Friday, December 09, 2011

Tom Cruise Talks 'Top Gun 2'

Tom Cruise will soon be seen onscreen reprising the role of master spy Ethan Hunt in “Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol.” But he also hasn’t ruled out revisiting another of his more beloved alter egos: Lt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell from “Top Gun.”

In an interview with MTV News, Cruise indicated that he’s still very interested in pursuing “Top Gun 2,” a sequel that, as of a year ago, seemed to be actively in the works.

“We all want to make a film that is in the same kind of tone as the other one and shoot it in the same way that we shot ‘Top Gun,’ ” Cruise said, referring to potential collaborator Tony Scott (who directed the ’86 “Danger Zone” blockbuster) and Jerry Bruckheimer (who produced it).

Of course, some important questions about “Top Gun 2” remained unanswered in this interview.
What would Cruise’s role be in another big-screen Miramar adventure? MTV’s Josh Horowitz asked whether Maverick will be in some kind of mentor role now, and Cruise said he didn’t know. “We’re working on it,” he said.

Other things we still seek to clarify: Will Kelly McGillis be in it? Is there even a projected completion date for a script? Has Kenny Loggins been consulted? And will Maverick be a father who teaches his teen daughter how to take down MiG 28s? Because I suggested that idea and still kind of like it. Anyway, watch the video below to see and hear what Cruise has to say about all this.

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