Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Piper PA-46-310P Malibu, N264DB: Fatal accident occurred January 21, 2019 in Peter Port, United Kingdom
Southern Aircraft Consultancy Inc Trustee
NTSB Identification: CEN19WA057
14 CFR Unknown
Accident occurred Monday, January 21, 2019 in St. Peter Port, United Kingdom
Aircraft: Piper PA46, registration: N264DB
Injuries: 2 Fatal.
The foreign authority was the source of this information.
On January 21, 2013, about 2012 UTC, a Piper PA-46-301P, N264DB, operated by a private individual, disappeared from radar 15 nm north of Guernsey, Channel Island, United Kingdom. The airplane is believed to have crashed in English Channel and is presumed destroyed, and the two persons on board are believed to be fatalities. Night, visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident for the personal flight. The flight departed Nantes Atlantique Airport (LFRS), France, and was en route to Cardiff Airport (EGFF), Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom.
A search of the area on January 22, 2019, revealed airplane debris floating on the surface of the English Channel about 15 miles east of where radar contact was lost with the airplane.
This investigation is under the jurisdiction and control of the British government. Any further information may be obtained from:
Air Accidents Investigations Branch
Farnborough House
Berkshire Copse Road
Aldershot, Hampshire
GU11 2HH, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1252 510300
Facsimile: +44 (0) 1252 376999
E-mail: investigations@aaib.gov.uk
This report is for informational purposes only and contains only information released by, or obtained from, the Air Accidents Investigation Branch of England.
Piper PA-28R-201 Arrow III, G-OARI: Fatal accident occurred January 09, 2019 in Regil, Guipuzcoa, Spain
Mountains of mid Spain on January 9th, 2019
NTSB Identification: CEN19WA052
14 CFR Non-U.S., Non-Commercial
Accident occurred Wednesday, January 09, 2019 in Regil, Spain
Aircraft: Piper PA28R, registration:
Injuries: 2 Fatal.
The foreign authority was the source of this information.
On January 9, 2019, about 1215 UTC, a Piper PA-28-201 Arrow III, United Kingdom registry G-OARI, impacted mountainous terrain near Regil, Guipuzcoa, Spain. The two persons on board were fatally injured and the airplane was destroyed. Instrument meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The foreign, non-scheduled, personal, cross-country flight had departed from Cascais Municipal Aerodrome, (LPCS), Cascais, Portugal, and was destined for San Sebastian Airport (LESO), Hondarribia, Spain.
This investigation is under the jurisdiction of the government of Spain. Any further information regarding the investigation can be obtained from:
Ministerio de Fomento
Comision de Investigacion de Accidentes E Incidentes de Aviacion Civil (CIAIAC)
C/Fruela, 6
28011 Madrid,
Telephone: +91 5978960
Facsimile: +91 4635535
E-mail: ciaiac@fomento.es
This report is for informational purposes only and contains only information released by, or obtained from, the CIAIAC of Spain.
Simon Moores
A British pilot who was killed after a plane crash in the Spanish mountains has been named as Paul Hollywood's former brother-in-law.
Simon Moores, 62, was found dead in the Basque Region of northern Spain after the light plane he was flying crashed at 2 pm local time on January 9th.
The plane came down on the 1,078 metre high Mount Ernio, in the province of Gipuzkoa, which was covered in mist at the time.
The 62-year-old aviation expert from Westgate-on-Sea, Kent was flying with a passenger, who has not yet been named.
In a recording of what is thought to have been the pair's final communication with air traffic control before they crashed, they were heard discussing a change in their route when flying in foggy conditions.
The Piper PA-28R-201 Arrow III registered to an address in Hailsham, had taken off from the Portuguese town, Cascais earlier in the day but it is thought the foggy conditions grounded it in the mountains.
Mr. Moores, a former councilor, captured his last days in a series of images posted to Twitter, in which he documented loading the plane’s GPS system and posed smiling in his pilot’s jacket.
His final post on January 9th showed a scene above the Spanish mountains, taken from inside the cockpit where a clock shows the time 9:35 am.
Pilot David Hockings
Another pilot, Simon Moores, was also killed.
The pair were travelling from Caiscais in Portugal to Hondarribia airport when their Piper PA-28R-201 Arrow III crashed.
The plane, owned by Mr. Hockings, had been due to make a stopover in northern Spain.
The Aviation Safety Network said the plane crashed at 1:50 pm on Hernio mountain in northern Spain’s Basque Country.
It said there were foggy conditions at the time of the crash.
Mr. Hockings, 67, ran an aircraft maintenance company called Cristal Air based at Spilsted Farm airfield at Sedlescombe, near Hastings.
Mr. Moores, from Westgate on Sea, Kent, was the brother of Bake Off judge Paul Hollywood’s estranged wife, Alex.
He was one of the few aerial banner pilots in the UK.
The 62-year-old former Thanet District Council Conservative councilor tweeted pictures from the air.
Mr. Moores worked as an aerial photographer and recently had been attempting to film migrant boats in the English Channel.
He had also been contracted by Highways England and London Zoo.
Officials tweeted video of rescuers working with ropes to get to the mangled wreckage close to the top of the 1,000 metre-plus mountain.
Rescuers found one of the bodies in the afternoon of January 9th but fog and the late afternoon light meant the second person was not found until the morning of January 10th.
A Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokesperson said: "We are seeking further information from the Spanish authorities following a plane crash in Spain, and will do all we can to assist any British people who need our help."
Robinson R44 Raven II, PR-RMZ: Fatal accident occurred January 01, 2019 in Ubatuba, Brazil
NTSB Identification: ERA19WA088
14 CFR Non-U.S., Non-Commercial
Accident occurred Tuesday, January 01, 2019 in Ubatuba, Brazil
Aircraft: Robinson R44, registration:
Injuries: 1 Fatal, 3 Minor.
The foreign authority was the source of this information.
The government of Brazil has notified the NTSB of an accident involving a Robinson R44 II that occurred on January 1, 2019. The NTSB has appointed a U.S. Accredited Representative to assist the government of Brazil's investigation under the provisions of ICAO Annex 13.
All investigative information will be released by the government of Brazil.
UBATUBA – Il giro in elicottero si trasforma in tragedia. Il pilota perde il controllo del veicolo e si schianta durante quello che doveva essere un bel giro turistico lungo la costa e che è invece diventato un incubo.
L’elicottero ha colpito un uomo che passeggiava sul lungomare.
Colpito in pieno Alessandro Correia Leite, 42 anni, che è ha purtroppo perso la vita. L’incidente è accaduto in Brasile, nella città di Ubatuba.
Le cause dell’incidente sono ancora ignote.
Il tutto è stato ripreso da una delle turiste a bordo dell’elicottero.
Vivian Carolina Cataldo, 34 anni, stava filmando il panorama quando è avvenuto il terribile schianto su una strada.
Illese le quattro persone a bordo.
14 CFR Non-U.S., Non-Commercial
Accident occurred Tuesday, January 01, 2019 in Ubatuba, Brazil
Aircraft: Robinson R44, registration:
Injuries: 1 Fatal, 3 Minor.
The foreign authority was the source of this information.
The government of Brazil has notified the NTSB of an accident involving a Robinson R44 II that occurred on January 1, 2019. The NTSB has appointed a U.S. Accredited Representative to assist the government of Brazil's investigation under the provisions of ICAO Annex 13.
All investigative information will be released by the government of Brazil.
UBATUBA – Il giro in elicottero si trasforma in tragedia. Il pilota perde il controllo del veicolo e si schianta durante quello che doveva essere un bel giro turistico lungo la costa e che è invece diventato un incubo.
L’elicottero ha colpito un uomo che passeggiava sul lungomare.
Colpito in pieno Alessandro Correia Leite, 42 anni, che è ha purtroppo perso la vita. L’incidente è accaduto in Brasile, nella città di Ubatuba.
Le cause dell’incidente sono ancora ignote.
Il tutto è stato ripreso da una delle turiste a bordo dell’elicottero.
Vivian Carolina Cataldo, 34 anni, stava filmando il panorama quando è avvenuto il terribile schianto su una strada.
Illese le quattro persone a bordo.
Beech B99 Airliner, N199AF: Incident occurred February 11, 2019 at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (KSEA), King County, Washington
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Seattle, Washington
Ameriflight #1120: Struck a snowbank.
UAS Transervices Inc
Date: 12-FEB-19
Time: 04:17:00Z
Regis#: N199AF
Aircraft Make: BEECH
Aircraft Model: B 99
Event Type: INCIDENT
Highest Injury: NONE
Aircraft Missing: No
Activity: CARGO
Flight Phase: TAXI (TXI)
Operation: 121
Aircraft Operator: AMERIFLIGHT
Flight Number: 1120
Ameriflight #1120: Struck a snowbank.
UAS Transervices Inc
Date: 12-FEB-19
Time: 04:17:00Z
Regis#: N199AF
Aircraft Make: BEECH
Aircraft Model: B 99
Event Type: INCIDENT
Highest Injury: NONE
Aircraft Missing: No
Activity: CARGO
Flight Phase: TAXI (TXI)
Operation: 121
Aircraft Operator: AMERIFLIGHT
Flight Number: 1120
Hawker Beechcraft 400A, registered to Premier Beechcraft LLC and operated by Stein's Aircraft Services LLC under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 as a business flight, N750TA: Accident occurred February 11, 2019 at Richmond Municipal Airport (KRID), Wayne County, Indiana
The National Transportation Safety Board did not travel to the scene of this accident.
Additional Participating Entities:
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Plainfield, Indiana
Textron Aviation; Wichita, Kansas
Pratt & Whitney Canada; Bridgeport, West Virginia
Transportation Safety Board of Canada; Ottawa, FN
Aviation Accident Preliminary Report - National Transportation Safety Board: https://app.ntsb.gov/pdf
Date & Time: 02/11/2019, 1006 EST
Registration: N750TA
Aircraft: Beech 400
Injuries: 3 None
Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General Aviation - Business
On February 11, 2019, about 1006 eastern standard time, a Beech 400A airplane, N750TA, collided with ground objects and terrain following a landing overrun on runway 24 at the Richmond Municipal Airport (RID), near Richmond, Indiana. The airline transport rated pilot, copilot, and one passenger were uninjured. The airplane sustained substantial wing and fuselage damage. The airplane was registered to Premier Beechcraft LLC and was operated by Stein's Aircraft Services LLC under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 as a business flight. Day instrument meteorological conditions prevailed in the area about the time of the accident and the flight was operated on an activated instrument flight rules flight plan. The flight originated from the Waukesha County Airport (UES), near Waukesha, Wisconsin, about 0917.
According to initial information from the pilot flying the airplane, he reported that he reviewed the flight plan the night before the flight. He talked with the first officer that night and explained to him that the weather looked as if they might have to cancel the flight. The pilot recalled the ceiling was 100 ft and visibility was .5 miles, with fog and mist. He reviewed the notices to airmen (NOTAM) to look for anything that would cause the flight cancel, and he did not recall anything on runway conditions.
The pilot and first officer preflighted the airplane and checked the weather several times on the morning before the flight. The pilot reported that the weather conditions were improving, and he did not recall seeing anything about runway conditions during another review of the NOTAMs.
The pilot and first officer went over the weather at RID and discussed that they would be landing on Runway 24 using the GPS approach. They reviewed weather at least "4 or 5 times" on the installed avionics display and the pilot stated that the displayed information indicated conditions of 1.5 miles visibility, ceiling of 1,500 ft, wind 090° at 4 knots, with fog and mist. The crew discussed the approach and talked about having a 4 knot quartering tailwind. When the airplane was near RID, the first officer listened to the automated weather observing system recording and it was reporting 3/4 mile visibility and 1,500 ft ceiling, scattered 300, wind 090° at 4 knots, temp 0°C, dew point 0° C, altimeter 30.13 inches of mercury. The pilot indicated, "All this information said we had the numbers to make the approach to runway 24, (5,500 feet long)."
The pilot used the autopilot fly the approach to just before minimums. The airplane was about "300 ft" and the first officer called the runway to the left. The pilot looked up and saw the precision approach path indicator lights to the left and the runway straight ahead. However, the runway appeared to have a "very light coating of snow on it." The pilot elected to land and apply full thrust reverse and breaking. The pilot also queried the first officer about the spoilers and the first officer confirmed the spoilers were out. A few seconds later the pilot felt the airplane was not slowing much and advised the first officer that the airplane was going to go off the end. At that point, the first officer said that he saw the 2,000 ft marker ahead of the airplane. Both pilots were pushing the brakes as hard as they could and full reverse was applied. The airplane went off the end of the runway and ended up across a road near the runway.
Subsequent to the accident, the pilot used his I-Pad to review the NOTAMs again and at that time he saw on the first line that the airport was closed and on the second line, the field condition indicated runway condition codes of 3-3-3.
The 62-year-old pilot, seated in the left seat, held a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate with an airplane multiengine land rating, a BE-400 type rating, and he held commercial pilot privileges in single-engine land airplanes. He held an FAA first-class medical certificate with a limitation that stated, in part, he "must have available glasses for near vision." He reported that he accumulated 11,915 hours total flight time and 8,024 hours of which were as pilot in command. He reported 718 hours of total flight time in BE 400 airplanes.
The 53-year-old first officer, seated in the right seat, held an ATP certificate with an airplane multiengine land rating and a BE-400 type rating. He held an FAA second-class medical certificate with no limitations. The first officer reported 4,082 hours total flight time and 3,980 hours of which were as pilot in command. He reported 181 hours total flight time in BE-400 airplanes.
N750TA was a 1999 model Beech 400A, twin-engine, low-wing, transport-category airplane, with serial number RK-226. It was equipped with two Pratt & Whitney Canada JT15D-5 turbofan engines and thrust reversers.
At 0955, the recorded weather at RID was: Wind 080° at 4 knots; visibility 1/2 statute mile; present weather fog; sky condition scattered clouds at 300 ft, overcast clouds at 1,500 ft; temperature 0° C; dew point 0° C; altimeter 30.12 inches of mercury.
At 1015, the recorded weather at RID was: Wind 080° at 4 knots; visibility 1 statute mile; present weather mist; sky condition scattered clouds at 300 ft, overcast clouds at 1,500 ft; temperature 0° C; dew point 0° C; altimeter 30.13 inches of mercury.
The pilot's report indicated that instrument landing system for runway 24 was out of service. However, the airport was serviced by an area navigation (RNAV) GPS approach to Runway 24.
RID, located about 5 miles southeast of Richmond, Indiana, was a non-tower controlled, public-use airport, which was owned by Richmond BOAC. The airport was attended Monday - Friday 0800-1745, Saturday 0800-1745, and Sundays 0800-1745, and it listed 122.7 megahertz as its common traffic advisory frequency. The airport had two runways designated 6/24 and 15/33. Runway 15/33, an asphalt runway, was 4,999 ft long and 100 ft wide. Runway 24, a grooved asphalt runway, was 5,502 ft long and 150 ft wide with a gradient of about 0.1%. A four-light precision approach path indicator was located on the left side of runway 24, which provided a 3-degree glidepath. The runway's approach lights were equipped with a runway lead-in lighting system and the runway had runway end identifier lights. Listed obstructions for runway 24 included 7 ft crops about 230 ft from the runway that required a 4:1 slope to clear.
Aircraft and Owner/Operator Information
Aircraft Make: Beech
Registration: N750TA
Model/Series: 400 A
Aircraft Category: Airplane
Amateur Built: No
Operator: Stein's Aircraft Services, LLC
Operating Certificate(s) Held: None
Meteorological Information and Flight Plan
Conditions at Accident Site: Instrument Conditions
Condition of Light: Day
Observation Facility, Elevation: RID, 1140 ft msl
Observation Time: 0955 EST
Distance from Accident Site: 1 Nautical Miles
Temperature/Dew Point: 0°C / 0°C
Lowest Cloud Condition: Scattered / 300 ft agl
Wind Speed/Gusts, Direction: 4 knots / , 80°
Lowest Ceiling: Overcast / 1500 ft agl
Visibility: 0.5 Miles
Altimeter Setting: 30.12 inches Hg
Type of Flight Plan Filed: IFR
Departure Point: Waukesha, WI (UES)
Destination: Richmond, IN (RID)
Wreckage and Impact Information
Crew Injuries: 2 None
Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Passenger Injuries: 1 None
Aircraft Fire: None
Ground Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Explosion: None
Total Injuries: 3 None
Latitude, Longitude: 39.750833, -84.852222 (est)
RICHMOND, Indiana — A chartered plane landing at Richmond Municipal Airport skidded off a snow-covered runway through an airport field and across Ind. 227.
The plane partially pushed through a fence that borders a neighboring farm field.
A pilot, co-pilot and passenger were not injured, according to Rodney Mayse, the airport manager. They all left the airport soon after the accident.
Mayse said the Federal Aviation Administration was investigating the incident, which he said was a first in his 22 years at the airport.
According to flight plans on Flightaware.com, the chartered plane left Waukesha County Airport in Waukesha, Wisconsin, for the trip to Richmond, landing at 10:03 a.m. The plane was scheduled to fly from Richmond to South Bend and return to Waukesha from South Bend later Monday.
According to online information from the FAA, the plane is a Hawker Beechcraft 400A manufactured in 1999 by the Raytheon Aircraft Company. It is registered to Premier Beechcraft LLC in Brookfield, Wisconsin, which is west of Milwaukee.
The plane was landing on a runway that crosses south of the airport buildings and runs southwest. Mayse said the plane overshot a runway that did have snow on it. Even with dense fog, tracks from the plane's tires could be seen in the snow on the runway, then leading through a field. The tracks curved to the left in the field up to the roadway. A gouge mark crossed the roadway to the west shoulder, where more tracks led to the plane's resting place.
A sawed off fence post hung in the air near the nose of the plane, which rested on the ground, as the plane continued to face southwest.
The plane's left wing blocked the southbound lane of 227. At first, just that lane was closed by law enforcement; however, all of 227 was closed when wreckers arrived to remove the plane. Because the plane blocked traffic, it was permitted to be removed from its resting place; however, the process was a long one.
Mayse said the plane was finally cleared from 227 about 3:15 p.m., and at that time, work continued to taxi the plane back to an airport hangar.
Original article can be found here ➤ https://www.pal-item.com
Additional Participating Entities:
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Plainfield, Indiana
Textron Aviation; Wichita, Kansas
Pratt & Whitney Canada; Bridgeport, West Virginia
Transportation Safety Board of Canada; Ottawa, FN
Aviation Accident Preliminary Report - National Transportation Safety Board: https://app.ntsb.gov/pdf
Location: Richmond, IN
Accident Number: CEN19LA090Date & Time: 02/11/2019, 1006 EST
Registration: N750TA
Aircraft: Beech 400
Injuries: 3 None
Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General Aviation - Business
On February 11, 2019, about 1006 eastern standard time, a Beech 400A airplane, N750TA, collided with ground objects and terrain following a landing overrun on runway 24 at the Richmond Municipal Airport (RID), near Richmond, Indiana. The airline transport rated pilot, copilot, and one passenger were uninjured. The airplane sustained substantial wing and fuselage damage. The airplane was registered to Premier Beechcraft LLC and was operated by Stein's Aircraft Services LLC under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 as a business flight. Day instrument meteorological conditions prevailed in the area about the time of the accident and the flight was operated on an activated instrument flight rules flight plan. The flight originated from the Waukesha County Airport (UES), near Waukesha, Wisconsin, about 0917.
According to initial information from the pilot flying the airplane, he reported that he reviewed the flight plan the night before the flight. He talked with the first officer that night and explained to him that the weather looked as if they might have to cancel the flight. The pilot recalled the ceiling was 100 ft and visibility was .5 miles, with fog and mist. He reviewed the notices to airmen (NOTAM) to look for anything that would cause the flight cancel, and he did not recall anything on runway conditions.
The pilot and first officer preflighted the airplane and checked the weather several times on the morning before the flight. The pilot reported that the weather conditions were improving, and he did not recall seeing anything about runway conditions during another review of the NOTAMs.
The pilot and first officer went over the weather at RID and discussed that they would be landing on Runway 24 using the GPS approach. They reviewed weather at least "4 or 5 times" on the installed avionics display and the pilot stated that the displayed information indicated conditions of 1.5 miles visibility, ceiling of 1,500 ft, wind 090° at 4 knots, with fog and mist. The crew discussed the approach and talked about having a 4 knot quartering tailwind. When the airplane was near RID, the first officer listened to the automated weather observing system recording and it was reporting 3/4 mile visibility and 1,500 ft ceiling, scattered 300, wind 090° at 4 knots, temp 0°C, dew point 0° C, altimeter 30.13 inches of mercury. The pilot indicated, "All this information said we had the numbers to make the approach to runway 24, (5,500 feet long)."
The pilot used the autopilot fly the approach to just before minimums. The airplane was about "300 ft" and the first officer called the runway to the left. The pilot looked up and saw the precision approach path indicator lights to the left and the runway straight ahead. However, the runway appeared to have a "very light coating of snow on it." The pilot elected to land and apply full thrust reverse and breaking. The pilot also queried the first officer about the spoilers and the first officer confirmed the spoilers were out. A few seconds later the pilot felt the airplane was not slowing much and advised the first officer that the airplane was going to go off the end. At that point, the first officer said that he saw the 2,000 ft marker ahead of the airplane. Both pilots were pushing the brakes as hard as they could and full reverse was applied. The airplane went off the end of the runway and ended up across a road near the runway.
Subsequent to the accident, the pilot used his I-Pad to review the NOTAMs again and at that time he saw on the first line that the airport was closed and on the second line, the field condition indicated runway condition codes of 3-3-3.
The 62-year-old pilot, seated in the left seat, held a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate with an airplane multiengine land rating, a BE-400 type rating, and he held commercial pilot privileges in single-engine land airplanes. He held an FAA first-class medical certificate with a limitation that stated, in part, he "must have available glasses for near vision." He reported that he accumulated 11,915 hours total flight time and 8,024 hours of which were as pilot in command. He reported 718 hours of total flight time in BE 400 airplanes.
The 53-year-old first officer, seated in the right seat, held an ATP certificate with an airplane multiengine land rating and a BE-400 type rating. He held an FAA second-class medical certificate with no limitations. The first officer reported 4,082 hours total flight time and 3,980 hours of which were as pilot in command. He reported 181 hours total flight time in BE-400 airplanes.
N750TA was a 1999 model Beech 400A, twin-engine, low-wing, transport-category airplane, with serial number RK-226. It was equipped with two Pratt & Whitney Canada JT15D-5 turbofan engines and thrust reversers.
At 0955, the recorded weather at RID was: Wind 080° at 4 knots; visibility 1/2 statute mile; present weather fog; sky condition scattered clouds at 300 ft, overcast clouds at 1,500 ft; temperature 0° C; dew point 0° C; altimeter 30.12 inches of mercury.
At 1015, the recorded weather at RID was: Wind 080° at 4 knots; visibility 1 statute mile; present weather mist; sky condition scattered clouds at 300 ft, overcast clouds at 1,500 ft; temperature 0° C; dew point 0° C; altimeter 30.13 inches of mercury.
The pilot's report indicated that instrument landing system for runway 24 was out of service. However, the airport was serviced by an area navigation (RNAV) GPS approach to Runway 24.
RID, located about 5 miles southeast of Richmond, Indiana, was a non-tower controlled, public-use airport, which was owned by Richmond BOAC. The airport was attended Monday - Friday 0800-1745, Saturday 0800-1745, and Sundays 0800-1745, and it listed 122.7 megahertz as its common traffic advisory frequency. The airport had two runways designated 6/24 and 15/33. Runway 15/33, an asphalt runway, was 4,999 ft long and 100 ft wide. Runway 24, a grooved asphalt runway, was 5,502 ft long and 150 ft wide with a gradient of about 0.1%. A four-light precision approach path indicator was located on the left side of runway 24, which provided a 3-degree glidepath. The runway's approach lights were equipped with a runway lead-in lighting system and the runway had runway end identifier lights. Listed obstructions for runway 24 included 7 ft crops about 230 ft from the runway that required a 4:1 slope to clear.
Aircraft and Owner/Operator Information
Aircraft Make: Beech
Registration: N750TA
Model/Series: 400 A
Aircraft Category: Airplane
Amateur Built: No
Operator: Stein's Aircraft Services, LLC
Operating Certificate(s) Held: None
Meteorological Information and Flight Plan
Conditions at Accident Site: Instrument Conditions
Condition of Light: Day
Observation Facility, Elevation: RID, 1140 ft msl
Observation Time: 0955 EST
Distance from Accident Site: 1 Nautical Miles
Temperature/Dew Point: 0°C / 0°C
Lowest Cloud Condition: Scattered / 300 ft agl
Wind Speed/Gusts, Direction: 4 knots / , 80°
Lowest Ceiling: Overcast / 1500 ft agl
Visibility: 0.5 Miles
Altimeter Setting: 30.12 inches Hg
Type of Flight Plan Filed: IFR
Departure Point: Waukesha, WI (UES)
Destination: Richmond, IN (RID)
Wreckage and Impact Information
Crew Injuries: 2 None
Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Passenger Injuries: 1 None
Aircraft Fire: None
Ground Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Explosion: None
Total Injuries: 3 None
Latitude, Longitude: 39.750833, -84.852222 (est)
RICHMOND, Indiana — A chartered plane landing at Richmond Municipal Airport skidded off a snow-covered runway through an airport field and across Ind. 227.
The plane partially pushed through a fence that borders a neighboring farm field.
A pilot, co-pilot and passenger were not injured, according to Rodney Mayse, the airport manager. They all left the airport soon after the accident.
Mayse said the Federal Aviation Administration was investigating the incident, which he said was a first in his 22 years at the airport.
According to flight plans on Flightaware.com, the chartered plane left Waukesha County Airport in Waukesha, Wisconsin, for the trip to Richmond, landing at 10:03 a.m. The plane was scheduled to fly from Richmond to South Bend and return to Waukesha from South Bend later Monday.
According to online information from the FAA, the plane is a Hawker Beechcraft 400A manufactured in 1999 by the Raytheon Aircraft Company. It is registered to Premier Beechcraft LLC in Brookfield, Wisconsin, which is west of Milwaukee.
The plane was landing on a runway that crosses south of the airport buildings and runs southwest. Mayse said the plane overshot a runway that did have snow on it. Even with dense fog, tracks from the plane's tires could be seen in the snow on the runway, then leading through a field. The tracks curved to the left in the field up to the roadway. A gouge mark crossed the roadway to the west shoulder, where more tracks led to the plane's resting place.
A sawed off fence post hung in the air near the nose of the plane, which rested on the ground, as the plane continued to face southwest.
The plane's left wing blocked the southbound lane of 227. At first, just that lane was closed by law enforcement; however, all of 227 was closed when wreckers arrived to remove the plane. Because the plane blocked traffic, it was permitted to be removed from its resting place; however, the process was a long one.
Mayse said the plane was finally cleared from 227 about 3:15 p.m., and at that time, work continued to taxi the plane back to an airport hangar.
Original article can be found here ➤ https://www.pal-item.com
Piper PA-14, N5119H: Accident occurred February 11, 2019 in Talkeetna, Alaska
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Anchorage, Alaska
NTSB Identification: GAA19CA135
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Monday, February 11, 2019 in Talkeetna, AK
Aircraft: Piper PA 14, registration: N5119H
NTSB investigators will use data provided by various entities, including, but not limited to, the Federal Aviation Administration and/or the operator, and will not travel in support of this investigation to prepare this aircraft accident report.
Date: 11-FEB-19
Time: 20:36:00Z
Regis#: N5119H
Aircraft Make: PIPER
Aircraft Model: PA 14
Event Type: ACCIDENT
Highest Injury: UNKNOWN
Aircraft Missing: No
Activity: UNKNOWN
Flight Phase: TAKEOFF (TOF)
Operation: 91
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Monday, February 11, 2019 in Talkeetna, AK
Aircraft: Piper PA 14, registration: N5119H
NTSB investigators will use data provided by various entities, including, but not limited to, the Federal Aviation Administration and/or the operator, and will not travel in support of this investigation to prepare this aircraft accident report.
Lost control and flipped over.
Date: 11-FEB-19
Time: 20:36:00Z
Regis#: N5119H
Aircraft Make: PIPER
Aircraft Model: PA 14
Event Type: ACCIDENT
Highest Injury: UNKNOWN
Aircraft Missing: No
Activity: UNKNOWN
Flight Phase: TAKEOFF (TOF)
Operation: 91
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