Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Houston, Texas
Rolled through the grass and struck a taxiway light.
Date: 07-APR-19
Time: 14:32:00Z
Regis#: N2833D
Aircraft Make: PIPER
Aircraft Model: PA 28 161
Event Type: INCIDENT
Highest Injury: NONE
Aircraft Missing: No
Damage: NONE
Flight Phase: TAXI (TXI)
Operation: 91
State: TEXAS
Monday, April 08, 2019
Robinson R22 Beta, privately owned and operated as a personal flight under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91, N4047H: Accident occurred April 06, 2019 near Alpha Hotel Airport (07VA), Clover, Virginia

Lee Hilty managed to walk away from a helicopter crash after leaving the home of his friend, Neil Smiley, near Clover on April 16th, 2019.
That he was able to remain conscious and walk away from the crash is in itself a miracle, according to family and friends, who gathered at the home of Gert and Dave Slabach on Friday for a deck party, in Gert Slabach’s words, “to celebrate the miracle of God that Lee survived the crash and is doing remarkably well.”
Hilty crashed his helicopter near Clover on April 6, was airlifted to UNC and spent five nights there before returning home.
He is continuing to recover from his accident at the Slabach’s home, with his burn injuries requiring the application of a salve every 12 hours twice a day for the time he’s been there, according to Hilty.
Kim Brougher is among those who have tended to Hilty’s wounds while he recuperates at the Smiley residence, with the help of a natural agent found in burdock leaves to help the healing process.
“You find the leaves in the pasture, you boil the leaves and dry them,” said Brougher, adding the salve made with the use of burdock leaves is used to apply to burns to keep them from getting infected.
Hilty’s injuries included second and third degree burns on 10-15 percent of his body, a dislocated right ankle, partially dislocated upper right jaw, an injury to one of his eye sockets, chipped teeth, a bit tongue, and a compression injury to his back.
“This isn’t a party for me, it’s to thank God for what he’s brought me through,” Hilty told the more than 50 people gathered to support him on Friday.
“The accident I can’t blame on anybody but myself,” Hilty noted.
“It’s my fault. God was with me from beginning to end, and within seconds of the accident, somebody was there.
“Somebody’s been there with me ever since. It’s been amazing, my church family and the community, the prayers and comments.
“I’ve had visitors all the way from Nevada.
“This has been so encouraging and thank you all for your support.”
That he was able to remain conscious and walk away from the crash is indeed a miracle, according to family and friends, including Neil Smiley, a professional airline pilot who witnessed the crash first-hand as Hilty was leaving Smiley’s home the night of April 6.
A slight mistake in his takeoff procedure produced near tragic results, with the helicopter’s rotor blades hitting the trees 50 feet in the air causing the helicopter to crash.
“I saw the whole thing, and I never want to experience that again,” noted Smiley.
“I was very, very happy when I got to the woods and saw Lee,” added Smiley, adding it took him about four minutes to reach the crash site.
Hilty had managed to escape the burning helicopter, and he was sitting up and talking when Smiley found him.
Hilty’s recovery has been nothing sort of miraculous, with the hand of God all the way through, Smiley pointed out.
“If you saw the wreckage you don’t know how it’s survivable,” said Smiley, who considers Hilty’s survival as miraculous.
Smiley also noted the support of the Mennonite community in particular and the community as a whole in supporting Hilty in his recovery.
There’s no other explanation for Hilty’s surviving the crash other than divine intervention, according to Dave Slabach, referring to comments made by physicians treating Hilty and airplane pilots who visited the crash site.
Hilty’s recovery continues, and his injuries are still visible but continue to heal.
“Dave Slabach has put me up here and hasn’t asked for a thing,” Hilty said.
“They’ve been so gracious letting me stay here. It’s been incredible.”
Original article can be found here ➤ http://www.yourgv.com
Additional Participating Entity:
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Richmond, Virginia
Robinson Helicopters; Torrance, California
Aviation Accident Preliminary Report - National Transportation Safety Board: https://app.ntsb.gov/pdf
Location: Clover, VA
Accident Number: ERA19LA144
Date & Time: 04/06/2019, 2208 EDT
Registration: N4047H
Aircraft: Robinson R22
Injuries: 1 Serious
Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General Aviation - Personal
On April 6, 2019, at 2208 eastern daylight time, a Robinson R22 Beta, N4047H, was destroyed by a post-crash fire when it collided with terrain during departure from Alpha Hotel Airport (07VA), Clover, Virginia. The private pilot was seriously injured. The helicopter was privately owned and operated as a personal flight under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. Night visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident and no flight plan was filed.
According to a witness, the helicopter arrived at 07VA at 1830. The pilot approached from the south and landed facing north. About 2200 the witness drove the pilot back to the helicopter where they discussed his departure plan. The pilot planned to liftoff, hover, turn 180° to the left and depart southbound while climbing steeply above the tree tops. The pilot brought the helicopter to a hover, rotated about 150° and started the steep departure climb. As the helicopter climbed, it crossed over the runway and the main rotor blades impacted a tree about 50 ft above the ground. The helicopter turned sharply and fell nose down to the ground. The witness stated that prior to takeoff the helicopter sounded and appeared to perform normally; all navigation and landing lights were functioning prior to takeoff.
An examination of the helicopter by a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspector and a representative from Robinson Helicopters revealed that the helicopter came to rest at the base of a tree. A post-crash fire destroyed the cockpit and instrument panel. Examination of the main rotor blades revealed both blades remained attached to the main rotor hub and were buckled. Examination of the main rotor transmission revealed rotational scoring. The tail boom was impact and fire damaged. The tail rotor blades were buckled and remained attached to the tail rotor gearbox. Initial examination of the engine did not reveal any anomalies that would have precluded normal operation.
Aircraft and Owner/Operator Information
Aircraft Make: Robinson
Registration: N4047H
Model/Series: R22 BETA
Aircraft Category: Helicopter
Amateur Built: No
Operator: On file
Operating Certificate(s) Held: None
Meteorological Information and Flight Plan
Conditions at Accident Site: Visual Conditions
Condition of Light: Night/Dark
Observation Facility, Elevation: W78, 350 ft msl
Observation Time: 2215 EDT
Distance from Accident Site: 0 Nautical Miles
Temperature/Dew Point: 18°C / 4°C
Lowest Cloud Condition: Unknown
Wind Speed/Gusts, Direction: 5 knots / , 130°
Lowest Ceiling: Overcast / 9500 ft agl
Visibility: 10 Miles
Altimeter Setting: 30.28 inches Hg
Type of Flight Plan Filed: None
Departure Point: Clover, VA (07VA)
Wreckage and Impact Information
Crew Injuries: 1 Serious
Aircraft Damage: Destroyed
Passenger Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Fire: On-Ground
Ground Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Explosion: None
Total Injuries: 1 Serious
Latitude, Longitude: 36.819722, -78.783056 (est)
A helicopter, piloted by Lee B. Hilty of Alton, had just taken off from a private, grass airstrip shortly after 10 p.m. Saturday but failed to “gain enough altitude and struck some nearby treetops,” according to a state police news release.
The Robinson R22 Beta then crashed to the ground and caught fire, police reported.
Hilty was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment of serious injuries.
Clover Volunteer Fire Department Chief Jamie Davis said the fire department received a call for the crash on Mill Road at 10:06 p.m. on Saturday.
The helicopter was declared a total loss, according to Davis, who said Clover Volunteer Fire Department responded to the crash with 13 firefighters and Triangle Volunteer Fire Department responded with seven firefighters.
Triangle Volunteer Fire Department Chief Jeffrey Francisco said the crash occurred when the helicopter pilot was taking off from a private airstrip located at 2042 Mill Road.
Francisco added the helicopter caught fire after crashing, with the pilot managing to escape the cockpit.
Original article can be found here ➤ http://www.yourgv.com
HALIFAX COUNTY, Virginia (WDBJ7) -- Virginia State Police are investigating after a pilot crashed a helicopter Saturday in Clover, Virginia.
Police say the pilot, later identified as Lee B. Hitly, of Alton, Virginia., was able to get out of the helicopter safely after it caught on fire. He was taken to the hospital for treatment of serious injuries.
The Robinson R22 Beta had just taken off from a private, grass airstrip around 10:08 p.m. but failed to gain enough altitude and struck some nearby treetops. The helicopter then crashed to the ground and caught fire.
Original article can be found here ➤ https://www.wdbj7.com
Aeronca 7AC, N81663: Incident occurred April 07, 2019 at Franklin Municipal (KFKN), Franklin, Virginia
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Richmond, Virginia
While hand cranking the engine the aircraft ran into the hangar door. Aircraft spun around and clipped the pilot.
Date: 07-APR-19
Time: 14:41:00Z
Regis#: N81663
Aircraft Make: AERONCA
Aircraft Model: 7AC
Event Type: INCIDENT
Highest Injury: MINOR
Aircraft Missing: No
Damage: NONE
Activity: UNKNOWN
Flight Phase: STANDING (STD)
Operation: 91
While hand cranking the engine the aircraft ran into the hangar door. Aircraft spun around and clipped the pilot.
Date: 07-APR-19
Time: 14:41:00Z
Regis#: N81663
Aircraft Make: AERONCA
Aircraft Model: 7AC
Event Type: INCIDENT
Highest Injury: MINOR
Aircraft Missing: No
Damage: NONE
Activity: UNKNOWN
Flight Phase: STANDING (STD)
Operation: 91
Skydive Cross Keys: Fatal accident occurred April 07, 2019 near Cross Keys Airport (17N), Williamstown, Monroe Township, New Jersey
It was a tandem jump with an instructor paid for by his then-wife as a birthday present. “He just loved the freedom of being in the sky,” Dianne Haaf said Monday.
Fourteen years and more than 1,200 jumps later, the 54-year-old Monroe Township resident was making another jump Sunday afternoon when something went wrong and he fell to his death in a residential neighborhood in Gloucester County
To the horror of witnesses, Haaf hit the ground about 5:15 p.m. on Brookdale Boulevard in the Williamstown section of Monroe Township, officials said.
He had jumped from a plane that took off from the nearby Cross Keys Airport in Williamstown. The Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office and the Federal Aviation Administration were investigating Haaf’s death, which was ruled an accident by Gerald Feigin, the county medical examiner.
It was at least the 10th fatality since 2002 for skydivers jumping from planes that took off from Cross Keys Airport, including one involving two skydivers who collided in the air, records show.
On Sunday, residents in the quiet neighborhood about two miles from the airport said they saw a shredded parachute falling across a backyard and heard a loud noise when the skydiver landed on the ground in a median area. His main parachute was not attached to him, said Sharon Spera, who lives a block away.
“He just came straight down,” said Spera, 71, a retired school secretary.
Haaf’s Facebook page showed his love for skydiving. There was an outpouring of messages at the news of his death. “You will be missed greatly my brother Paul Haaf. Blue skies,” one person wrote.
Dianne Haaf said her son was “very safety conscious” and packed his own chutes.
The last time she saw him jump was several years ago, and she never felt worried, she added. “He’d just land on his feet and just walk away from it,” she said.
Haaf grew up with a brother in the house where his parents live in the Timber Lakes section of Monroe Township. He had one adult daughter and most recently worked at an Acme Market, his mother said.
He had physical difficulties, which his mother did not specify, and recent surgeries, but that did not deter him from his love of skydiving. “It was something that captured his imagination,” she said.
The accident investigation will likely center on the parachute. The FAA said it would conduct a review of the parachute, standard procedure when there is a fatality.
Tom Gilbert, a spokesperson for the Prosecutor’s Office, said Monday Haaf apparently had difficulty deploying his main parachute and disconnected it. Haaf activated his auxiliary parachute but was falling too rapidly for it to let him land safely.
On Tuesday morning, Gilbert said the main parachute was found Monday afternoon after a State Police helicopter spotted it in a wooded area near the Atlantic City Expressway, about a mile from where Haaf landed.
“We’re still trying to explore the unfortunate chain of events. It does look like he made the best effort he could,” Gilbert said.
In a statement, the company that operates the skydiving business, Skydive Cross Keys, said, “The jumper was very experienced, having over 1,000 jumps to his credit. The skydiver’s parachute was deployed upon exiting the airplane.”
There was little activity Monday at the airport, where two small planes sat near the runway. No one answered at the office. John Eddowes, owner of Skydive Cross Keys, did not respond to a request for comment.
About 15 miles south of Philadelphia, the airport is privately owned for public use. It is considered a mecca for skydiving enthusiasts, although it has also gained attention over the years for accidents and fatalities. Most of the victims were described as experienced skydivers and included an immigrant from Ukraine who lived in Brooklyn, a 62-year-old Bala Cynwyd man, and a mayor from Delaware County.
In 2014, Eddowes’ skydiving company, then known as Freefall Adventures, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy but said it would continue operating. Earlier that year, Eddowes and his wife, Agnes, the company’s owners, also filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which allows individuals to restructure debt payments.
Gilbert, of the Prosecutor’s Office, said Haaf was among about a half-dozen skydivers on the plane that took off from Cross Keys, and that they jumped in two groups. Neighbors said they saw some of those who landed safely in an area nearby walk to the scene where Haaf was found.
According to Nancy Koreen, a spokesperson for the U.S. Parachute Association, in only about 1 in 1,000 cases does the main parachute not deploy properly. She said she could recall only a single incident in the last 30 years where a parachutist died because his parachute didn’t deploy.
Experienced jumpers typically own their equipment, Koreen said. Other parachutists say that even if people packs their own gear, the skydiving company checks it, making sure it was done correctly.
Spera and her husband, Angelo, who live at a busy intersection a block from the scene, were preparing Sunday dinner for their extended family when their daughter, Amy Lancetta, began screaming from the patio.
Lancetta, 40, of Hammonton, N.J., a speech therapist, watched in horror as Haaf fell to the ground, her parents said. She was still coping with the shock on Monday and was so distressed that she left work early.
“She was hysterical. She started screaming, ‘Call 911, a skydiver just fell,’” said Angelo Spera, 69, a retired elementary-school teacher.
Angelo Spera said the family rushed out of the house. Despite the warm weather, there were few people outside. They could see Haaf’s body on the ground surrounded by debris, including his shattered helmet and body camera.
A Cooper University Hospital trauma nurse, who drove by the scene minutes after the incident, rushed to Haaf’s aid, the couple said.
“She had tears in her eyes,” Angelo Spera said.
Skydiving Fatalities Near Cross Keys Airport
May 26, 2002: Seth Karp, 28, a nationally ranked skydiver, dies from injuries. John Eddowes, owner of Freefall Adventures Skydiving School, says Karp tried to maneuver into a turn too close to the ground. Monroe Township police say Karp's parachute didn't open correctly.
Sept. 2, 2004: Craig Kuske, 29, an experienced jumper who had been skydiving for 10 years, dies after his parachute failed to open. Gloucester County Medical Examiner's Office later determines that Kuske's blood-alcohol level was 0.16 percent, more than twice the legal limit for driving.
July 4, 2005: Sara Loshe and Ron Samac, two veteran skydivers, die after their parachutes become entangled 150 feet above the ground.
Sept. 10, 2006: Paul Joseph 3d, a skydiving instructor, and student Reed Michael Loeschke die in a tandem jump after their main parachute malfunctions.
March 25, 2011: Carter Scott Shields, 45, the mayor of Rutledge in Delaware County, dies after plummeting into woods after his main parachute fails to open. An emergency chute activated automatically but failed to open completely.
Nov. 21, 2012: Donald Lawrence Morozin, 62, a certified skydiver with more than 3,500 jumps, falls to his death after not attempting to open his parachute. The Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office says Morozin was "known to have hypertension and other medical issues that could cause him to pass out."
April 20, 2014: Arkady Shenker, 49, a skydiver who had logged 350 jumps, dies on his third jump of the day, after becoming tangled in his parachute and failing to deploy a second parachute.
April 7, 2019: Paul Haaf Jr., 54, a skydiver with more than 1,200 jumps, falls to his death in a residential neighborhood in Monroe Township. Skydive Cross Keys says Haaf's parachute was deployed upon exiting the airplane.
According to the U.S. Parachute Association, about 21 people have died in skydiving accidents annually over the last nine years in the United States. In the 1970s, about 42 fatalities were recorded every year.
The association said it recorded 13 fatal skydiving accidents nationwide last year out of roughly 3.3 million jumps, for a ratio of one fatality per 253,669 jumps.
Story and video ➤ https://www.philly.com
MONROE TOWNSHIP, New Jersey (CBS) – A man died in a skydiving accident in Williamstown, New Jersey, on Sunday night, officials say. Investigators say 54-year-old Paul Haaf, of Monroe Township, was taking part in a group jump with Skydive Cross Keys when, shortly into the jump, he began having trouble with his parachute. Eyewitnesses say they saw Haaf “falling through the sky.”
Haaf’s brother told Eyewitness News he was briefed on the accident. He says it was a higher than usual jump and that Haaf was the second one out of the plane. His chute was tangled and as he tried to fix it, he went into a spin.
Authorities say the primary chute opened but it did not deploy correctly.
They say Haaf attempted to cut the primary chute off and deploy the backup chute. The secondary chute did deploy, but authorities aren’t sure if it also did not work correctly, or if there just wasn’t enough time before Haaf hit the ground.
Witnesses described seeing a white parachute at the scene, and as of noon Monday, the main parachute hadn’t been located.
Family say Haaf started jumping when he was 40 years old and has done more than 1,200 jumps. His brother said there is no ill will toward Skydive Cross Keys, which released a statement acknowledging an accident, but would not comment further.
Haaf landed in the middle of Brookdale Boulevard, in Monroe Township, inside a townhouse complex.
“I thought it was a jet or a rocket, some kind of rocket going over,” witness Maria Mead said. “Then it passed over the tops of the roofs on Brookdale and over the trees. I saw a shredded red parachute flailing down and I heard an explosion. Then I heard a really loud bang.”
“I was sitting in my mom’s backyard and I heard plastic flapping and I looked up to my left and I could see him falling through the sky,” said Amy Lancetta. “Saw him come through the sky and heard the impact and just ran and screamed, ‘Call 911.'”
Pictures on social media show Haaf was heavily involved in the skydiving community.
“A good guy, very nice and all the conversations that we had it was about skydiving, how he loved it. It’s what he loved to do,” said neighbor Frank Mauger. “I even talked to him about me doing it and he was like he was the guy to go to.”
According to the U.S. Parachute Association, skydiving fatalities are rare with one death per about 160,000 jumps each year.
The Gloucester County Medical Examiner’s Office determined Haaf’s cause of death was due to multiple injuries and ruled the manner of death accidental.
The Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office and the Monroe Township Police Department are investigating the incident with the assistance of the Federal Aviation Administration.
Story and video ➤ https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com
MONROE TOWNSHIP, New Jersey (WPVI) -- Officials said the skydiver who fell to his death in a Monroe Township neighborhood on Sunday afternoon was an avid jumper.
Officials identified Paul Haaf Jr., 54, as the man who died.
Gloucester County Medical Examiner Dr. Gerald Feigin determined that Haaf's cause of death was multiple injuries and listed the manner of his death as accidental.
According to investigators, Haaf was an experienced skydiver with more than 1,200 jumps and was a frequent visitor to SkyDive Cross Keys.
The company issued a statement saying Haaf's parachute was deployed when he jumped.
Investigators searched for that parachute Sunday, as witnesses said the backup parachute was still with Haaf when he landed.
Neighbors in the Brookdale development said they were horrified and quickly called 911.
"I heard a thud, we thought a car hit somebody then I saw this white thing lying there," said Rosemary Ilgenfritz.
"It's traumatizing," said Kayla Maure. "I didn't see it happen, just seeing his body there is traumatizing."
According to authorities, Haaf jumped from an altitude of 13,500 feet.
He was supposed to deploy his parachute after a three-second pause and join three additional skydivers to all link up together.
The jumper who deployed from the plane right after Haaf told authorities that Haaf was doing fast, violent and uncontrolled rotations.
The jumper tried to catch up to Haaf, but he was going too fast.
Haaf's main parachute did deploy, but continued a rapid and uncontrolled decent, according to information from authorities.
The jumper behind Haaf said he saw Haaf deploy his emergency parachute, but at that point Haaf was too close to the ground.
Action News confirmed Haaf, a Collings Lake resident, worked at the Acme in Mays Landing. A man who said he was Haaf's brother told Action News that Haaf died doing what he loved.
He had been skydiving for many weekends over the past 14 years.
The Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office said they are investigating this accident.
Story and video ➤ https://6abc.com
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