Thursday, May 29, 2014

Costa Rica’s Version of Air Force One is a Drug Cartel Plane?

Costa Rica News – Well it seems that the drug cartels are giving back to Costa Rica in more ways than just paying off police and judges, killing environmentalist, and shipping pineapples full of cocaine.  Would you recommend a president using a drug cartel plane as his mode of transportation?

Costa Rica is the only country in the region that does not have a private plane for its president. That is, until now. Luis Guillermo Solis’ administration recently announced that the president will have a dual motor aircraft at his disposal for any trips he makes.

The President, who took office in early May of this year, said that he prefers commercial airlines but might use the aircraft on occasional flights for official business. His upcoming trip to Miami is one in particular that he will need a private plane for.

Some are questioning whether this aircraft, once used for drug trafficking, is a good choice of aircraft. The airplane was brought to Costa Rica by two Guatemalan pilots, who are still awaiting trial for bringing illegal drugs into the country, during an emergency landing in Limon.

The government is now processing the plane in hopes that it can become part of the Public Security Ministry’s fleet. This includes getting maintenance records, making the necessary repairs and waiting for it to be released from custody. If they succeed it could be one of their best aircraft.

This seven passenger, two pilot plane can reach speeds of up to 279 miles per hour and has a market value of about $1 million.

The question is after the previous President, Laura Chinchilla, was questioned about her taking flights on drug cartel jets is this a good choice for President Solis?  I am sure China might buy him a new plane in exchange for some shark fins.

Hopefully the new president tries to stop this trade from happening in Costa Rica.

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