NTSB Identification: CEN14FA306
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Friday, June 20, 2014 in Sauk Rapids, MN
Probable Cause Approval Date: 03/02/2015
Aircraft: BRUMWELL RV-6, registration: N135BB
Injuries: 2 Fatal.
NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
About 5 minutes after the experimental amateur-built RV-6 airplane departed from a local airport, an air traffic controller notified the pilot that an Airbus was 30 miles southwest of the airport and inbound. About 7 minutes later, the pilot reported that he had the Airbus in sight and then stated that he was going to take a picture of it. No further communications were received from the pilot. A witness reported observing the RV-6 “rocking back and forth” before the “nose went down” and then seeing two objects come off the airplane when it entered a descent. Another witness reported hearing engine noise before observing the airplane enter a steep nose-down descent. The airplane impacted a house and was destroyed by a postimpact fire.
The two objects that the witness observed coming off the RV-6, which were a headset and PVC material, were later located near the accident site and did not exhibit thermal damage or soot. The exit of the two objects from the airplane’s interior indicates that the canopy likely opened in flight, which led to the loss of pitch control. Fire damage precluded examination of the airplane’s canopy and systems; therefore, the reason for the canopy opening in flight could not be determined. There was no radar or recorded position and time data for either airplane; therefore, the effects, if any, of wake turbulence from the Airbus on the RV-6 could not be determined.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The pilot’s loss of pitch control due to the in-flight opening of the canopy during cruise flight for reasons that could not be determined because fire damage precluded examination of the airplane’s canopy and systems.
On June 20, 2014, about 2029 central daylight time, an experimental amateur-built Brumwell RV-6, N135BB, impacted a house after a departure from cruise flight near Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, and about 6 miles northwest of the St Cloud Regional Airport (STC), St Cloud, Minnesota. The pilot and passenger were fatally injured. The airplane was destroyed by post-crash fire. The airplane was registered to and operated by the pilot under 14 CFR Part 91 as a personal flight and was not operating on a flight plan. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The local flight originated from STC about 2010.
According to a transcript of STC Air Traffic Control Tower (ATC) communications, the pilot contacted STC ATC about 2011 and transmitted an initial departure heading of west/southwest.
About 2012, ATC cleared the airplane for takeoff from runway 13 and a turn to the west/southwest.
About 2016, the pilot transmitted that it would maneuver over the western part of town, then fly up the river, and contact ATC when inbound. The pilot transmitted the flight was an aerial tour of the city for the passenger aboard.
About 2017, ATC transmitted that an Airbus 319 [Allegiant Flight 108 (AAY108)] was 30 miles southwest of the airport and was inbound. The pilot transmitted, "I'll look for allegiant…"
About 2023, AAY108 transmitted that it was on a right base for runway 13. ATC then cleared AAY108 to land on runway 13. The pilot transmitted that they were over the river, by the hospital at 2,000 feet. The pilot then transmitted, "ah where's the airbus right now." AAY108 transmitted that it was 11 [miles] southwest of the airport.
About 2024, ATC and the pilot transmitted that they had AAY108 in sight. The pilot then transmitted, "and allegiant one three five bravo bravo i'm an r v six about your 12 o'clock position right over the river at two thousand feet." AAY108 transmitted that it had the airplane on its traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) and was currently descending through 3,300 feet. The pilot transmitted, "yeah we'll keep comms with you plenty of room to maneuver there."
About 2025, the pilot transmitted, "I got a camera out we're gonna take a picture of ya." AAY108 transmitted, "we have you in sight as well."
There were no further transmissions from the airplane.
A witness near the accident site stated seeing a jet flying east and a small airplane flying north. The small airplane started "wobbling and shaking" and then started "going down." The small airplane was offset from the jet about 45 degrees from the tail of the jet. The witness stated that the small airplane may have been at a higher altitude than the jet. The small airplane's wings were "rocking back and forth" before the "nose went down." The witness stated seeing a dark and a light colored object come from the small airplane.
Another witness stated that he was sitting and facing east in his house's driveway. He looked south when he heard engine noise from the accident airplane. He said the airplane was in a "nose-dive." He said that the airplane was heading north. The airplane had about a 70 degree nose down attitude while in the descent. He said there was no fire from the airplane. The airplane was not rotating while it was descending. He said the winds were from the south and that there was "not a lot of wind."
The home that was struck by the airplane sustained impact and fire damage.
The pilot, age 60, was employed as captain on Boeing 737 airplanes at an air carrier. He held an airline transport pilot certificate with airplane multiengine land, airplane single-engine land, airplane single- engine sea ratings. He held Boeing 727 and Boeing 737 type ratings. He held a flight instructor certificate with airplane single-engine and instrument airplane ratings. He held a flight engineer certificate with a turbojet powered rating.
A pilot logbook recovered from the wreckage had a beginning entry dated April 2013 with a tachometer time entry of 1,324.7 hours and the last entry was dated June 2014 with a tachometer time entry of 1,383.2 hours. All the pilot logbook were entries for the accident airplane.
The pilot's flight experience included 24,465 total hours, of which 478 hours were in the last six months as of his last airman medical examination dated January 23, 2014. The pilot was issued a first class airman medical certificate with the following limitation: must wear corrective lenses.
The airplane was a 1992 Brumwell RV-6, serial number 20598, experimental amateur-built airplane that was powered by a Lycoming O-360-A1A, serial number L-33015-36A, engine. The airplane was built by the previous owner/builder. The airplane was equipped with an upward (tip-up) opening canopy.
On December 19, 2012, the pilot purchased the airplane from the aircraft builder. On March 5, 2013, the airplane's registration to the pilot was accepted by the Federal Aviation Administration.
On January 6, 2013, at a total time in service and a tachometer time of 1,305.9 hours, the last aircraft logbook entry made by the previous owner/builder was for a pre-sale checkout of the airplane, which "checked ok."
The pilot logbook that was recovered from the wreckage had an entry dated August 24, 2013, for a flight in the accident airplane from JKJ [Moorhead Municipal Airport, Moorhead, Minnesota] to STC. The remarks section of this entry contained "canopy opened descending @ 120 kts STC" at a tachometer time of 1,359.6 hours. A review of the airframe logbook did not reveal a corresponding entry relating to the August 24, 2013, pilot logbook entry.
On April 14, 2014, at a total time in service and a tachometer time of 1,373 hours, an aircraft and engine logbook entries indicated that a condition inspection was completed and that the airplane and engine were found to be in a condition for safe operation. The entries were signed by an airframe and power plant mechanic. There were no additional aircraft logbook entries dated after April 14, 2014.
There was no nonvolatile memory that could provide airplane position and time information due to the airplane's type of avionics installation and damage from the accident. There was no radar data available for the airplane. The flight data recorder from AAY108 was downloaded by the National Transportation Safety Board Vehicle Recorders Laboratory. The download included parameters of airplane position, altitude, speed, and configuration.
A plot of AAY108's flight track was produced by a National Transportation Safety Board Senior Air Traffic Investigator and is included in the docket of the report.
The airplane was consumed by post-crash fire and by the fire of the home that the airplane impacted. The damage precluded functional testing and examination of the airplane systems. The canopy and its latching mechanisms were consumed by fire and could not be examined.
A headset case that contained an aviation head set and white PVC material were found at a neighboring house near the accident site. The pilot's name was on materials within the headset case. The head set and PVC material did not exhibit thermal damage or soot. PVC material has been used by builders of homebuilt airplanes for wheel chocks or control locks.
An autopsy of the pilot was conducted by the Midwest Medical Examiner's Office, Ramsey, Minnesota, on June 21, 2014. The autopsy report stated the cause of death as multiple blunt force injuries due to plane crash.
The FAA's Final Forensic Toxicology Fatal Accident Report of the pilot stated that testing for carbon monoxide and cyanide were not performed, no ethanol was detected in the muscle and the liver, and no listed drugs were detected the in liver.
The effects of wake turbulence, if any, could not be determined without relative position and time information from radar/recorded data for both airplanes.
The Lancair Legacy Canopy Safety Issue (Thorn 2014) discusses accidents resulting from flight with the upward opening canopies that become unlatched/open in flight for Lancair and not RV airplanes, which also have upward opening canopies. The paper states in part:
"There are several potential root causes of the Legacy's open canopy flight hazard. One is the canopy is large and, if not latched down in flight, it will open to varying degrees and alter the air flow over the tail/stabilizers and under some situations create significant pitch attitude stability and control issues.
Another potential root cause may be the pilot's loss of reliable airplane pitch attitude reference where the canopy's structural frame serves as a key attitude reference line and as the open canopy moves it corrupts the pilot's normal visual pitch attitude reference cues.
There may also be a tendency for pilots flying with the shock and chaos of an open canopy, with severe cockpit wind, noise, and debris flying about, to induce pitch attitude oscillations by their control inputs."
NTSB Identification: CEN14FA306
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Friday, June 20, 2014 in Sauk Rapids, MN
Aircraft: BRUMWELL RV-6, registration: N135BB
Injuries: 2 Fatal.
This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On June 20, 2014, about 2034 central daylight time, an experimental amateur-built Brumwell RV-6; N135BB, impacted a house after a departure from cruise flight about 6 miles northwest of the St Cloud Regional Airport (STC), St Cloud, Minnesota. The airplane was destroyed by post-crash fire. The pilot and passenger were fatally injured. The airplane was registered to and operated by the pilot under 14 CFR Part 91 as a personal flight and was not operating on a flight plan. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The local flight originated from STC about 2010.
Investigating Flight Standards District Office: FAA Minneapolis FSDO-15
The area where a small plane hit a house Friday evening is likely just outside of what is considered St. Cloud's "controlled airspace," meaning that the pilot wasn't required to be in consistent contact with air traffic controllers about his location and plans for his flight.
St. Cloud Regional Airport's controlled airspace is about 4½ to 5 miles in each direction from the center of the airport, and the location of the crash is farther away from the airport than that. Investigators will look at what communication occurred between pilot Scott Olson and air traffic controllers and between those controllers and the pilot of an Allegiant Air flight that was seen in the area of Olson's plane just before the crash.
Witnesses reported seeing the planes close to one another just before Olson's plane crashed into a house at 731 Garden Place at about 8:26 p.m. Friday.
Killed in the crash were Olson, 60, and Alexander Voigt, 16, a German foreign exchange student whose host in the United States was St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis.
Olson was a tenant of St. Cloud Regional Airport, according to Bill Towle, director of St. Cloud Regional Airport. A spokesman for the National Transportation Safety Board confirmed that Olson's Brumwell RV-6 experimental craft departed St. Cloud Regional Airport at about 7:55 p.m. and was scheduled to return later that night.
Because Olson's flight departed from the St. Cloud airport, he had to tell air traffic controllers there what he was planning to do after takeoff, Towle said. But once he got outside controlled airspace, he wasn't required to maintain that communication, Towle said.
That doesn't mean Olson wasn't talking to those air traffic controllers. Investigators likely will review recordings of the air traffic controllers' communications to determine whether Olson knew about the proximity of the Allegiant flight and whether Allegiant's pilot knew Olson's plane was in the area.
The Allegiant flight was required to contact the control tower before it entered controlled airspace, Towle said, and that typically happens when the flight is 10-15 miles out.
"Whether they're in the airspace or not, even if they are in the vicinity, aircraft that are coming to St. Cloud typically will call from a distance, 10 or 15 miles, and they'll radio their intentions," Towle said. "They'll talk about where they're coming from, where their location is, what their altitude and speed is."
The tower can then contact all other aircraft that might be in the vicinity to ensure that each pilot is aware of that.
"They are the conduit for the aircraft operating in the area," Towle said of the air traffic controllers.
The NTSB and Federal Aviation Administration are jointly investigating the crash and hope to have a preliminary report available within 10 business days of the accident. It could take up to a year for a final conclusion about what caused the crash.
The plane crashed into a home owned by Jeff Hille, a teacher and baseball coach at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School. Hille was not home at the time. His brother-in-law, Kole Heckendorf, was in the house and escaped out of a second-floor window. Hille, Heckendorf and Hille's sister, Kristen, had been living in the home and have since been staying with family.
Hille benefit fund
BankVista has established a benefit fund for Jeff Hille, who lost his home and belongs when a plane crashed into it Friday.
Funds can be mailed to the bank — 125 Twin Rivers Court, Sartell, MN 56377 — or donated in person. To reach the bank by phone, call 320-257-1600 or 877-415-0008.
Story and photo:
ST. CLOUD — A memorial fundraiser will be held on Sunday to celebrate the life of the student who was killed in a plane crash in Sauk Rapids last summer.
Alexander Voigt, a 16-year-old foreign exchange student from Germany, and 60-year-old pilot Scott Olson died after their plane crashed into a Sauk Rapids house last June.
The Celebrating Alexander event will take place at Michael’s Restaurant and feature an authentic German meal.
Any and all donations will be accepted with the money going towards a memorial bench honoring Voigt that will be placed along the Mississippi River this summer.
The benefit will run from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Sunday at Michael’s Restaurant (510 Highway 10 South in St. Cloud).
Story and photo:
NTSB Identification: CEN14FA306
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Friday, June 20, 2014 in Sauk Rapids, MN
Aircraft: BRUMWELL RV-6, registration: N135BB
Injuries: 2 Fatal.
NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On June 20, 2014, about 2029 central daylight time, an experimental amateur-built Brumwell RV-6, N135BB, impacted a house after a departure from cruise flight near Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, and about 6 miles northwest of the St Cloud Regional Airport (STC), St Cloud, Minnesota. The pilot and passenger were fatally injured. The airplane was destroyed by post-crash fire. The airplane was registered to and operated by the pilot under 14 CFR Part 91 as a personal flight and was not operating on a flight plan. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The local flight originated from STC about 2010.
According to a transcript of STC Air Traffic Control Tower (ATC) communications, the pilot contacted STC ATC about 2011 and transmitted an initial departure heading of west/southwest.
About 2012, ATC cleared the airplane for takeoff from runway 13 and a turn to the west/southwest.
About 2016, the pilot transmitted that it would maneuver over the western part of town, then fly up the river, and contact ATC when inbound. The pilot transmitted the flight was an aerial tour of the city for the passenger aboard.
About 2017, ATC transmitted that an Airbus 319 [Allegiant Flight 108 (AAY108)] was 30 miles southwest of the airport and was inbound. The pilot transmitted, "I'll look for allegiant…"
About 2023, AAY108 transmitted that it was on a right base for runway 13. ATC then cleared AAY108 to land on runway 13. The pilot transmitted that they were over the river, by the hospital at 2,000 feet. The pilot then transmitted, "ah where's the airbus right now." AAY108 transmitted that it was 11 [miles] southwest of the airport.
About 2024, ATC and the pilot transmitted that they had AAY108 in sight. The pilot then transmitted, "and allegiant one three five bravo bravo i'm an r v six about your 12 o'clock position right over the river at two thousand feet." AAY108 transmitted that it had the airplane on its traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) and was currently descending through 3,300 feet. The pilot transmitted, "yeah we'll keep comms with you plenty of room to maneuver there."
About 2025, the pilot transmitted, "I got a camera out we're gonna take a picture of ya." AAY108 transmitted, "we have you in sight as well."
There were no further transmissions from the airplane.
A witness near the accident site stated seeing a jet flying east and a small airplane flying north. The small airplane started "wobbling and shaking" and then started "going down." The small airplane was offset from the jet about 45 degrees from the tail of the jet. The witness stated that the small airplane may have been at a higher altitude than the jet. The small airplane's wings were "rocking back and forth" before the "nose went down." The witness stated seeing a dark and a light colored object come from the small airplane.
Another witness stated that he was sitting and facing east in his house's driveway. He looked south when he heard engine noise from the accident airplane. He said the airplane was in a "nose-dive." He said that the airplane was heading north. The airplane had about a 70 degree nose down attitude while in the descent. He said there was no fire from the airplane. The airplane was not rotating while it was descending. He said the winds were from the south and that there was "not a lot of wind."
The home that was struck by the airplane sustained impact and fire damage.
The pilot, age 60, was employed as captain on Boeing 737 airplanes at an air carrier. He held an airline transport pilot certificate with airplane multiengine land, airplane single-engine land, airplane single- engine sea ratings. He held Boeing 727 and Boeing 737 type ratings. He held a flight instructor certificate with airplane single-engine and instrument airplane ratings. He held a flight engineer certificate with a turbojet powered rating.
A pilot logbook recovered from the wreckage had a beginning entry dated April 2013 with a tachometer time entry of 1,324.7 hours and the last entry was dated June 2014 with a tachometer time entry of 1,383.2 hours. All the pilot logbook were entries for the accident airplane.
The pilot's flight experience included 24,465 total hours, of which 478 hours were in the last six months as of his last airman medical examination dated January 23, 2014. The pilot was issued a first class airman medical certificate with the following limitation: must wear corrective lenses.
The airplane was a 1992 Brumwell RV-6, serial number 20598, experimental amateur-built airplane that was powered by a Lycoming O-360-A1A, serial number L-33015-36A, engine. The airplane was built by the previous owner/builder. The airplane was equipped with an upward (tip-up) opening canopy.
On December 19, 2012, the pilot purchased the airplane from the aircraft builder. On March 5, 2013, the airplane's registration to the pilot was accepted by the Federal Aviation Administration.
On January 6, 2013, at a total time in service and a tachometer time of 1,305.9 hours, the last aircraft logbook entry made by the previous owner/builder was for a pre-sale checkout of the airplane, which "checked ok."
The pilot logbook that was recovered from the wreckage had an entry dated August 24, 2013, for a flight in the accident airplane from JKJ [Moorhead Municipal Airport, Moorhead, Minnesota] to STC. The remarks section of this entry contained "canopy opened descending @ 120 kts STC" at a tachometer time of 1,359.6 hours. A review of the airframe logbook did not reveal a corresponding entry relating to the August 24, 2013, pilot logbook entry.
On April 14, 2014, at a total time in service and a tachometer time of 1,373 hours, an aircraft and engine logbook entries indicated that a condition inspection was completed and that the airplane and engine were found to be in a condition for safe operation. The entries were signed by an airframe and power plant mechanic. There were no additional aircraft logbook entries dated after April 14, 2014.
There was no nonvolatile memory that could provide airplane position and time information due to the airplane's type of avionics installation and damage from the accident. There was no radar data available for the airplane. The flight data recorder from AAY108 was downloaded by the National Transportation Safety Board Vehicle Recorders Laboratory. The download included parameters of airplane position, altitude, speed, and configuration.
A plot of AAY108's flight track was produced by a National Transportation Safety Board Senior Air Traffic Investigator and is included in the docket of the report.
The airplane was consumed by post-crash fire and by the fire of the home that the airplane impacted. The damage precluded functional testing and examination of the airplane systems. The canopy and its latching mechanisms were consumed by fire and could not be examined.
A headset case that contained an aviation head set and white PVC material were found at a neighboring house near the accident site. The pilot's name was on materials within the headset case. The head set and PVC material did not exhibit thermal damage or soot. PVC material has been used by builders of homebuilt airplanes for wheel chocks or control locks.
An autopsy of the pilot was conducted by the Midwest Medical Examiner's Office, Ramsey, Minnesota, on June 21, 2014. The autopsy report stated the cause of death as multiple blunt force injuries due to plane crash.
The FAA's Final Forensic Toxicology Fatal Accident Report of the pilot stated that testing for carbon monoxide and cyanide were not performed, no ethanol was detected in the muscle and the liver, and no listed drugs were detected the in liver.
The effects of wake turbulence, if any, could not be determined without relative position and time information from radar/recorded data for both airplanes.
The Lancair Legacy Canopy Safety Issue (Thorn 2014) discusses accidents resulting from flight with the upward opening canopies that become unlatched/open in flight for Lancair and not RV airplanes, which also have upward opening canopies. The paper states in part:
"There are several potential root causes of the Legacy's open canopy flight hazard. One is the canopy is large and, if not latched down in flight, it will open to varying degrees and alter the air flow over the tail/stabilizers and under some situations create significant pitch attitude stability and control issues.
Another potential root cause may be the pilot's loss of reliable airplane pitch attitude reference where the canopy's structural frame serves as a key attitude reference line and as the open canopy moves it corrupts the pilot's normal visual pitch attitude reference cues.
There may also be a tendency for pilots flying with the shock and chaos of an open canopy, with severe cockpit wind, noise, and debris flying about, to induce pitch attitude oscillations by their control inputs."
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