Thursday, September 19, 2013

Meet the Airport Virtual Assistant, or AVA at Northwest Florida Regional Airport

Ava is the newest thing in commercial airports across the United States and overseas.

Northwest Florida Regional is the first airport in Florida to buy the system.

“Ava is a virtual assistant that never gets tired, never gets annoyed or irritated and in a very pleasant way at the point when the message should get delivered informs passengers on what they need to do,” said Sunil Harman, Airport Director VPS.

Ava’s main purpose to remind passengers things like having their boarding passes ready at the security check point, taking off their shoes and even to relax and enjoy their flight.

“People are drawn to AVA because she is very unique. She represents the airport. She will be dressed as an airport agent and she has a great persona,” said Harman.

While it’s a new technology, many travelers tell News Channel 7 is much more relaxing then hearing t-s-a personnel over the intercom.

“When you travel a lot it’s nice to be reminded of all the rules and she is a beautiful spokesperson,” said traveler Brenda Cagle.

“She is very impressive and I want to talk to her. But I like watching her hands move and I love the information she gives,” said Frances Stanfield, another traveler.

Airport officials are paying about $40,000 a year for AVA’s services, and Harman says that’s inexpensive for technology like this.

Original article: