Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Amazing Video! Paraglider vs. vulture (original) / Параплан против грифа. Paraglider, Eagle Crash In Himalayas

THIS is the amazing moment a paraglider stared death in the face as an eagle got caught in his canopy strings and sent him plummeting to Earth.

The terrifying incident, which was captured on the man's head-mounted camera, unfolded over the Himalayas in India where the two collided against massive odds.

The paraglider Vladimir Tsar'kov, 25, can be heard screaming as two birds fly into shot and one gets tangled in the cord suspending him beneath his fabric wing.

The video then shows the canopy collapsing as it twists in the air.

Luckily the stricken man, who has not been named, was able to deploy his back-up parachute — the shadow of which can be seen as he nears the ground.

Miraculously BOTH the man and the bird survived the mid-air encounter despite crashing through dense branches in the final moments of their descent.

At the end of the footage - posted on YouTube - the bird can be seen stumbling to get up as the paraglider shouts to his friend.

It begins flapping furiously to try to shake itself free before calming down as the man patiently tries to pull the strings from its feathers.

Seconds later the bird grows more agitated and the man shouts as it flaps wildly, this time succeeding in breaking free and making its escape.

A postscript at the end of the clip says: "The eagle flew away and his destiny is unknown."

The incident occurred in the Indian Himalayas. The eagle flew into the slings paragliders. luckily, the pilot used the reserve parachute and all ended well.
Индия, Гималаи. Знаменитое у парапланеристов место для высоких и красивых полётов. Ежегодно в октябре-ноябре туда приезжают сотни пилотов-парапланеристов со всего мира. Полёты часто проходят рядом с орлами, они наши друзья и помощники - показывают потоки воздуха, в которых параплан набирает высоту. Но в этот раз орлы смотрели куда-то не туда и в итоге один из трёх орлов влетел в стропы параплана. Параплан спутался и дальше лететь не мог, был использован запасной парашют. Посадка чудом случилась без травм, ведь снижение на запаске не маленькое и легко можно травмироваться об камни или падая с дерева. Ругань была в шоковом состоянии, не относитесь к этому негативно, ведь с птичкой в итоге всё прекрасно :) // Akari (akari88@mail.ru).
Описание в жж: http://stpython.livejournal.com/76956.html

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