Peter Frei at Labelexpo Europe 2017
NTSB Identification: CEN18WA154
14 CFR Non-U.S., Non-Commercial
Accident occurred Sunday, April 29, 2018 in Innsbruck, Austria
Aircraft: AMATEUR CONSTRUCTION VARI EZE, registration:
Injuries: 2 Fatal.
The foreign authority was the source of this information.
On April 29, 2018, about 0819 hours universal coordinated time, an amateur-built Vari-Eze airplane, Swiss registration HB-YCM, impacted terrain shortly after takeoff from the Innsbruck Airport (LOWI), Innsbruck, Austria. The pilot and passenger were fatally injured. The airplane was destroyed. The flight departed from LOWI shortly before the accident, with an intended destination of Portorož Airport (LJPZ), Portorož, Slovenia.
The accident investigation is under the jurisdiction and control of the Swiss Transportation Safety Investigation Board (STSB). This report is for informational purposes and contains information released by or obtained from the government of Switzerland.
Further information pertaining to this accident may be obtained from:
Swiss Transportation Safety Investigation Board (STSB)
Aviation Divison
Aéropôle 1
CH-1530 Payerne
Telephone: +41 58 466 33 00
Facsimile: +41 58 466 33 01
Peter Frei, the chief executive officer of Switzerland-based Pantec GS Systems, has died at the age of 59, after a small aircraft with two occupants crashed on Sunday morning.
SWI, the international service of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), reported: “The plane, which took off from Switzerland on Sunday morning, had to land at Innsbruck airport to refuel and was taking off again when the accident occurred, according to an Austrian police investigation. The aircraft suddenly lost altitude before crashing to the ground.”
Ranesh Bajaj of Vinsak, which represents Pantec in India, paid his tribute to the “thorough professional and an excellent human being”.
Bajaj said, “Peter Frei had been a friend and a colleague for the last few years. Working with him in India and the Middle East in the last two years, I have known him to be a thorough professional and an excellent human being. He was a true travel warrior, criss-crossing the globe a few times in a month and making Pantec the market leader that it is today in the field of label embellishment. His private plane crashed on Sunday last week leaving us all devastated. This is a void in my professional as well as personal life that I will find difficult to fill. Rest in peace, my friend Peter.”
Frei was recently in India when he signed a deal for Rhino machine with Marks Emballage’s Aaditya Kashyap and Chandrakant Gadhia.
Gadhia said, “We are deeply saddened and shocked that Peter Frei is no more with us today. He had a tremendous simplicity and charm that is very rare. While we were in touch with Peter for a short time, it was a delight to know him and meet him personally. It was rather unbelievable that he could come to India on the invitation of a new company like ours on a short notice and also to arrange for a machine demo at another print firm’s site. This just shows he had friends in the industry like no other.”
Kashyap added, “From the morning breakfast to a Hyderabadi Biryani dinner past midnight, we had found a friend and guide in him. I still remember the passion with which he showed us the label samples made on the Pantec. It was like an artist talking of his paintings. His passion for label decoration gave us new ambitions. We were convinced enough that we made Pantec an integral part of our vision to grow in the label business and as unbelievable was for him and us that we had signed the deal in less than 24 hours of our first meeting.”
“His work culture has influenced us so much, and I know he had a similar effect on many, many more. We should continue to strive for the growth of the label industry he envisioned. May his soul rest in peace,” said Gadhia.
Noel D’Cunha, managing editor, PrintWeek India, said, “I was really saddened to learn that Peter Frei has passed away. It was always a pleasure interacting with Peter every time we met at any show. Peter knew his stuff; he was an expert in the field and understood the pulse of the market really well. Farewell then, Peter Frei, you’ll be missed.”
Das motorisierte Kleinflugzeug landete zunächst am Flughafen in der Tiroler Landeshauptstadt. Nach dem Auftanken und dem darauffolgenden Start gegen 10.15 Uhr schien zunächst alles in Ordnung zu sein, dann driftete die Maschine Zeugenaussagen zufolge jedoch plötzlich in Richtung Süden ab, verlor rasch an Höhe und stürzte auf eine Wiese südlich des ÖAMTC-Stützpunkts. Auch wegen der Nähe der Absturzstelle zum Stützpunkt wurde die Rettungskette laut Leitstelle Innsbruck sehr schnell in Gang gesetzt. Für die zwei Flugzeuginsassen kam dennoch jede Hilfe zu spät. Das Kleinflugzeug wurde bei dem Aufprall auf den Boden zerstört.
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