Sunday, January 08, 2017

Lee's Summit, Missouri: Concern Over Air Traffic Expressed During City Council

Lee’s Summit resident Tim Pickering stepped forward to express concerns over the volume of air traffic coming and going from the Lee’s Summit Airport. He reported an increase in air traffic flying directly over his home located at 1025 NE Woodbury Lane since his purchase of the home in 2009. “The amount of aircraft flying over my home has increased significantly,” he told the council. 

Pickering explained that he understands air traffic has increased since the 1500-foot expansion to the runway and includes small jets and other aircraft. But, he explained, he lost the peace and tranquility he came to Lee’s Summit for. He explained that his significant other is no longer comfortable laying out at the pool at the home due to the number of aircraft flying overhead.

Pickering was unsatisfied with a response he had gotten from a city staff member when he brought up his concerns. Pickering said he was told, in response, “some people just don’t like aircraft.”

“Imagine,” he addressed the council, “That the reason you came to Lee’s Summit was taken away. Are you going to stay?” 

“I beg you guys to take a look at what’s happening,” he continued. “We had an airplane crash on the 31st. The path that that plane took was right over my home.” 

“There will be a day in the city’s history when an airplane crashes into a home and innocent people are killed because we are more interested in growth and chasing federal dollars than we are in protecting and dancing with the ones that brought us here.”

Pickering said he understood the Council was limited on their ability to do anything about it, but he didn’t fully accept that. The Council had no comments.


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