Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Automated Weather Observing System is approved for Lamesa-Dawson County Municipal Airport (2F5) • City accepts $149,461 bid for project with 75-25 grant

The purchase of an AWOS (Automated Weather Observing System) for installation at the Lamesa-Dawson County Municipal Airport was approved by the Lamesa City Council on Tuesday evening.

Only one bid was received, but John Farris, who works for the airport board, pointed out to council members that the company submitting the bid is the one that actually builds that system for airports.

Vaisala, Inc. of Louisville, Colo., submitted both a base bid of $132,160 and an alternate bid of $149,461, Mayor Dave Nix said after opening that bid. The mayor pointed out that the alternate bid contained three additional items along with the base system.

Farris, who was given the opportunity to look over the bid and make a recommendation to the City Council, recommended that the alternate bid of $149,461 be accepted.

“Those other three items (in the alternate bid) could be left off, but those are items that we want with our system,” Farris told council members.

He also pointed out that both bid amounts were “in the ball park,” since the airport board initially had been told to expect a price range of about $200,000 and then that expected amount was revised to around $140,000.

The AWOS system will be funded through a TxDOT (Texas Department of Transportation) aviation grant, which is a 75-25 grant. Since the airport is jointly owned, the city and Dawson County will split the 25 percent local match at 12.5 percent each or just under $19,000 each.

- Source:

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