Friday, July 10, 2015

Cessna T206H Turbo Stationair, XB-MBC: Accident occurred July 09, 2015 east of Torreon, Coahuila , Mexico


Three people on a flight out of McAllen died when their plane crashed in the Mexican state of Coahuila around 7 p.m. Thursday, according to the Mexican newspaper El Mañana

The pilot, Abraham Garcia, co-pilot Roger Fuentes and passenger Castro Aureliano Barajas were killed after the plane crashed near the side of a toll road. The crash’s cause was not in the initial El Mañana report.

The plane, belonging to a Mexican airline, was headed to Francisco Sarabia International Airport  Coahuila, according to El Mañana.

The flight departed from our airport last night to Torreon and we received a report that it crashed due to a mechanical failure in the municipality of Matamoros in Coahuila,” aviation director for McAllen-Miller International Airport Elizabeth Suarez said Friday.

Bob McCreery, president of McCreery Aviation, a McAllen-based private aviation group said he could not comment on the crash since he did not know the details and was not familiar with the pilots.

McCreery said the group landed at their terminal about mid-afternoon Thursday and left later that day.

The office of the attorney general of Coahuila released a statement late Friday afternoon confirming the crash.

"At 7:21 p.m. we received a report that a small place crashed on the side of an road near toll-road Torreon-Salitillo," the statement read. "The plane, a Cessna 206, registration XBMBZ, departed from McAllen and was en route to the city of Torreon."

No other information was immediately available from the attorney general's office.

Representatives for Francisco Sarabia International Airport were not available to comment Friday afternoon.


Torreón, Coah, 

Tres personas murieron al desplomarse e incendiarse una avioneta procedente de la ciudad de McAllen, Texas, Estados Unidos, que tenía como destino el Aeropuerto de la Ciudad de Torreón.

El accidente se registró en el kilómetro 19 + 100 de la carretera de cuota Torreón-Saltillo, a la altura de La Cueva del Tabaco, en el municipio de Matamoros, informó la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado.

En el lugar fallecieron el piloto de la aeronave, Abraham García, el copiloto Rogelio Fuentes, así como Aureliano Barajas Castro.

La nave es una Cessna 206, matrícula XBMBZ. El reporte del percance se recibió en el Sistema de Emergencia “066” a las 19:21 horas de este jueves.

La avioneta cayó a un costado de la autopista de cuota y al impactarse quedó envuelta en llamas.

Elementos de los cuerpos de seguridad federales y estatales tomaron conocimiento del accidente y los bomberos controlaron las llamas.

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