Monday, April 20, 2015

The other airport manager applicant • Edgar County Airport (KPRG), Paris, Illinois

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) – The other applicant for the Edgar County Airport Manager’s position spoke during public comment at the county board study session held on April 13, 2015. I spoke about this a last month’s county board meeting (here).

He briefly went thru his experience with the county’s hiring process (which is apparently “anything goes”), beginning with the 90 day wait for an interview and the fact that there were people in the interview that were not affiliated with Edgar County government in any form.

He then went thru his qualifications, schools, degrees, past work history, past aircraft history, and volunteer time.

Listen carefully because he runs thru them pretty fast – – at the end of his comments he asked the county board to reevaluate their hiring processes to ensure qualified people get hired in the future.

Next, ask yourself why the county keeps the liar Jerry Griffin on payroll when it has been proven that he lied on his application, lied about his qualifications, lied about his work history, and is generally untruthful (hereherehere – and here). I think you will find that it was predetermined that Jerry would get the job no matter what he wrote down and no matter who the other applicants were.

Comparing the two resumes makes it clear, Rich Wilkin was by far more qualified for the job.

Video is above and Rich Wilkin starts talking at about the 13 second mark.

Pay attention to Alan Zuber ignoring him while he is speaking … too busy to listen to a citizen speaking.

Original article can be found here:

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