14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Friday, May 18, 2012 in Boulder City, NV
Probable Cause Approval Date: 08/28/2014
Aircraft: AERO VODOCHODY L-39, registration: N39WT
Injuries: 2 Fatal.
NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
Upon arrival at the airport, the pilots of the accident airplane and of another airplane flying at the same time briefed the passengers on what to expect during their adventure flight, and they subsequently began the first of four planned flights. The first two flights were uneventful. The accident occurred during the third flight of the day. A review of the UNICOM radio communications revealed that, shortly after the airplanes took off, the accident pilot announced, “canopy, canopy.” The lead airplane pilot asked the accident pilot if he was heading back; the accident pilot’s response could not be understood. The accident airplane subsequently made a right descending turn and impacted a berm in desert terrain at a high descent rate and then bounced about 200 feet before coming to rest about a 1/2 mile from the airport. The airplane came to rest between two sets of power lines next to an access road. First responders to the accident site reported that both of the airplane’s canopies were closed and that the engine remained running for about 20 minutes before it shut down on its own. A postaccident examination of the airplane, engine, and forward and aft canopies revealed no mechanical malfunctions or failures that would have precluded normal operation. If one of the canopies had somehow become displaced, the canopy illumination warning light would have activated, and the pilot should have followed the emergency procedures, which state, in part, to land as soon as practical, and likely would have been able to control the airplane and land. The reason for the pilot’s radio transmission about the canopy and his initiation of a right descending turn could be determined.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
An in-flight emergency followed by a collision with terrain for reasons that could not be determined because postaccident examination of the airframe, engine, and forward and aft canopies revealed no evidence of mechanical malfunctions or failures that would have precluded normal operation.
On May 18, 2012, about 1215 Pacific daylight time, an experimental exhibition Aero Vodochody L-39, N39WT, impacted desert terrain about a 1/2 mile northwest of the Boulder City Municipal Airport (BVU), Boulder City, Nevada. Mach 1 Aviation and Incredible Adventures operated the flight under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. The airline transport pilot and one passenger were fatally injured; the airplane sustained substantial damage to the fuselage and wing assembly. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the adventure flight, and no flight plan had been filed for the local flight.
The accident airplane, along with another L-39 (N139CK), departed Van Nuys Airport (VNY), Van Nuys, California, about 0730 on the morning of the accident.
The purpose of the day's flights was to celebrate a birthday for one of the eight passengers, which included a Hollywood Top Gun Adventure flight, in two L-39 Albatross jet airplanes. Each flight was scheduled to be 45 minutes in length, and each passenger would be provided with a film of their flight. Two flights were scheduled for the morning, with the last two flights to take place in the afternoon following lunch. The mornings' flights were uneventful.
The pilot in the lead airplane for the accident flight stated that the takeoff and climb out were normal until he heard the other pilot radio "canopy." He could not elaborate further as to why the accident pilot made that statement.
The passenger in the lead airplane for the accident flight stated that he and the other passenger got into their respective airplanes, but that he did not watch the other passenger get ready for their flight. He stated that he figured out how to put his own seatbelt/safety harness on, and was then instructed about the canopy usage. After the canopies were closed, he was able to hear the pilot of his airplane and the pilot of the other airplane over the radio. The passenger stated that his pilot received a clearance for takeoff and the pilots taxied the airplanes to the runway and came to a stop. The lead airplane was on the left side of the runway and the accident airplane was on the right side of the runway. There was a discussion about the crosswind and if there were any issues on takeoff. The lead airplane would make a left turn, and the number two accident airplane would make a "harder left [turn]." The passenger reported that the takeoff appeared normal. He recalled that they were about 400 feet above the ground, when his pilot instructed the other pilot to stay in formation. The passenger stated that his airplane was in a climbing left turn and he overheard who he thought was the accident pilot over the radio making a mayday call, followed by a canopy call. He looked out of his window and saw the accident airplane in a right turn, then saw it level off followed by a puff of dirt, which he believed was the airplane impacting the terrain. He also recalled seeing the accident airplane fly below one set of power lines. The passenger stated that there were no further communications from the pilot of the accident airplane.
Prior to the two airplanes departing from BVU, a pilot from a flight of 6 military helicopters reported that they were inbound for landing at the airport. After the mayday call was issued by the pilot in the lead airplane, one of the crews of the inbound helicopters reported that they would locate the accident site and land, and render assistance to the pilot and passenger until rescue personnel arrived on-scene. The military pilot reported that he observed the accident airplane on its belly and the engine was still running at full thrust. The pilot in the circling jet was giving instructions on how to get the canopy off and to shut down the engine. The military crew was able to take off the front canopy; however, they were unable to shut the engine down. The engine stopped after about 20 minutes.
Responding rescue personnel reported that upon their arrival they noted two military personnel and an individual from the airport, as well as, two people slumped over inside the airplane. They observed the three individuals attempting to shut down the engine, which they were not able to do. Eventually the engine began to misfire and discharged flames from the rear of the airplane prior to the engine shutting itself down. The front canopy was open rendering the front seat pilot accessible to rescue crews. The rear canopy appeared to be latched on the left side, with the right side of the canopy slightly raised from the fuselage. The canopy had to be forced up and to the left by first responder/emergency personnel in order to gain access to the rear seat passenger.
According to the individual responding from the airport, he noted that when he attempted to idle the engine to shut it down, the throttle appeared to be broken as it had no tension to the control, but the engine sounded as if it was still running at 100 percent power.
According to Boulder City Police Department, they dispatched an officer at 1218. The officer arrived at 1245. The detective reported that the engine was still running upon his arrival at the accident site, and shortly thereafter started to sputter.
Witness Statement
Four of the eight birthday party members were interviewed by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator-in-charge (IIC) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspectors; they stated that they were driven by bus from their hotel to the Boulder City Municipal Airport. Once they arrived at BVU, they made their way to a Fixed Based Operator (FBO) and were told by FBO personnel that the two airplanes were en route from Van Nuys. While they waited for the airplanes to arrive, the group discussed the order in which they would fly since only one passenger could fly in each airplane at a time. After the airplanes arrived, the group reported seeing two people exit each airplane; pilots and film technicians. The group talked to the pilots and took pictures of themselves with the airplanes. They met inside the FBO in a conference room where they received a briefing of what to expect. Members of the group indicated that there would be four flights; two flights would occur before lunch, the airplanes would be refueled, and then they would have the final two flights.
The passengers did not report any mechanical problems or anomalies during the first two flights. The accident flight occurred on the third flight of the day after the lunch break.
The pilot, age 65, held an airline transport pilot certificate (ATP) that was issued February 28, 2011. He also held a flight instructor certificate with ratings for airplane single engine and multiengine, and instrument airplane that was issued on June 8, 2011. The pilot held a second-class medical certificate issued on December 01, 2011. It held the restriction that the pilot must wear corrective lenses. The pilot's logbook was not available for review. On the pilot's most recent FAA medical application dated December 01, 2011, he reported a total time of 5,900 hours with 80 hours accrued in the past 6 months.
According to FAA records, the pilot's ATP certificate was subject to an emergency revocation in September 2009, and the ruling was upheld on November 25, 2009. The revocation was for a period of 1 year, and the pilot was eligible to reapply for his pilot certificate after September 28, 2010. The certificate was reissued on February 28, 2011. He received his initial airline transport pilot certificate on August 31, 1973.
The pilot in the lead airplane, as well as the birthday party group that were flying that day, reported that the pilot appeared to be in good health and was in good spirits.
The two-seat (tandem) low-wing, retractable-gear airplane was an experimental Aero Vodochody L-39 Albatross, serial number 132127. It was a high-performance jet trainer manufactured by Czechoslovakia in 1981. It was powered by an all metal turbofan Ivchenko AI-25-TL engine.
The fuel log and final fuel receipt were obtained from BFE Aviation at Boulder City Airport. The fuel log revealed that the accident airplane had received Jet A fuel two times the day of the accident; once at 0900 for a total of 92 gallons, and again at 1120 for a total of 180 gallons.
Airplane Maintenance
A review of the airplane's logbooks revealed that a 50-hour/6-month inspection had been signed off on January 12, 2012, at an airframe total time of 2,459.8 hours. The last entry in the airplane's logbook was dated January 17, 2012, at an airframe total time of 2,459.8 hours, where the airplane had been signed off for a 100-hour condition inspection. Maintenance records showed that a 50-hour engine inspection was completed on January 12, 2012, at a recorded engine time of 570.3 hours.
The airplane was purchased on December 10, 2009, at an engine total time of 550 hours and an airframe time of 2,440 hours. The owner of the airplane had an arrangement with the owner of Mach 1 Aviation, which allowed the owner of Mach 1 Aviation to use the accident airplane for these flights.
Boulder City Municipal Airport was a non-towered airport; however, it did have an active UNICOM radio frequency, which pilots could announce their intent. The UNICOM radio communications were recorded and a review of the recordings indicated the lead pilot in airplane N139CK, announced over UNICOM that N139CK was a flight of two Albatross fighters and they would be taking the active runway 27L, with a southbound departure followed by a left turn to proceed southeast. The lead pilot then radioed that "139CK flight of two Albatross fighters taking the active 27L making a left turn out." About 2 minutes later on the audio track, the lead pilot radioed "dash two come around," then "dash two you ok?" The accident pilot radioed "canopy canopy," and the lead pilot replied "roger, what are you heading back?" The next radio call overheard on UNICOM was "Mayday Mayday Mayday, we got an airplane down, Mayday Mayday." The entire UNICOM audio track is located in the public docket for this case.
The accident site was approximately 1/2 mile northwest of the airport in flat desert terrain. The airplane came to rest intact between two sets of power lines next to an access road. The first identified point of impact (FIPC) was a flat area adjacent to a berm alongside the road; an impression of the airplane fuselage and wings were observed in the dirt at the FIPC. The debris field from the FIPC to the main wreckage was about 480 feet long. Undercarriage and a gear door were found about 100 feet from the main wreckage. A 25-pound ballast weight was found on the other side of the access road, a 4-foot-deep by 20-feet-wide crater was noted just behind the engine.
The medical records for the pilot and passenger were reviewed by the NTSB's Chief medical officer. The medical officer reported no evidence of a medical event having occurred by either occupant at the time of the accident.
The pilot was recovered from the front seat of the airplane. He was secured by his safety harness.
The Clark County Coroner completed an autopsy on May 18, 2012. The cause of death was listed as multiple blunt force trauma due to an aircraft collision with ground.
The FAA Bioaeronautical Sciences Research Laboratory Civil Aeromedical Institute (CAMI), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, performed toxicological testing of specimens of the pilot. Analysis of the specimens contained no findings for carbon monoxide, cyanide, volatiles, and tested drugs.
The passenger was recovered from the rear seat of the airplane. He was secured by his safety harness.
The Clark County Coroner completed an autopsy on the passenger on May 19, 2012. The cause of death was listed as multiple blunt force trauma due to aircraft collision with ground.
The Bioaeronautical Sciences Research Laboratory CAMI, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, performed toxicological testing of specimens of the pilot. Analysis of the specimens contained no findings for carbon monoxide or cyanide; an analysis of the specimens for volatiles, and tested drugs were not performed.
The wreckage was inspected on December 11, 2012, at Air Transport in Phoenix, Arizona. The inspection revealed no mechanical anomalies that would have precluded normal operation of the airplane or engine. Flight control continuity was established.
The accident airplane was originally manufactured with ejection seats. In a letter dated February 8, 2010, to the FAA from the airplane owner, the owner reported that both of the ejection seats had been rendered nonfunctional; deactivated.
There were two canopies; one for the front seated pilot, and one for the rear seated passenger. Examination of the wreckage revealed that the pilot's canopy handle lever was selected to the OPEN position. The Plexiglas canopy for the pilot remained intact. The canopy seal tube remained mostly continuous with about 6 inches of the aft portion of the seal missing. The four retaining bolts for the canopy were in place and not deformed. On the left side of the canopy there were two vertical hinge points that were also intact and not deformed. When the release for the canopy was manipulated, the pilot's canopy functioned normally.
The passenger canopy (rear seat), the seal was fully intact for the entire canopy. The forward left portion of the canopy was broken with both pieces found at the accident site. The aft left side of the canopy was deformed. All four retaining bolts and the two hinge pin attachment points were undamaged. The rear canopy release handle was in the locked position and was not movable due to damage to the fuselage. It was noted that the canopy tube inflation system for both canopies had been disconnected, and it was determined that this system was disabled by recovery personnel to facilitate the removal of the canopy.
The airplanes' original pressurization systems had been modified to accommodate United States (U.S.) Nitrogen and oxygen bottles. The nitrogen valve was in the OPEN position, and all of the fittings were in place and secured. The oxygen system was also intact with all fittings in place and secured.
The wings and flap system on the accident airplane was examined. The hydraulic flap actuator was extended indicating flaps at 25 degrees, which was set to the takeoff position. The yellow manual flap indicator pin located about midspan of the top of the wing and visible to the pilot, was extended verifying that the gear was down. The flap sensor is connected to the pitot tube and once a specific airspeed has been achieved, will automatically raise the flaps; the landing gear was found in the up (retracted) position.
Examination of the engine revealed extensive damage throughout the entire engine as a result of the accident sequence and postcrash engine fire. Rock and debris were located in the engine inlet. Approximately 4 compressor blades (12 o'clock to 1 o'clock position) were noticeably damaged, with minimal damage to the remainder of the blades. Tip damage was noted to the turbine blades. The engine was manually rotated from the turbine section with no binding evident and the compressor blades were observed to move in proper rotating order. The gearbox magnetic plug was removed and did not have any debris on the tip. The throttle position indicator on the fuel control was at 86 percent. An inspection of the airplane and engine identified no mechanical anomalies that would have precluded normal operation. A detailed examination report is attached to the public docket for this accident.
Instrument panel
The following items were retained and shipped to the NTSB materials and vehicle recorder laboratories for further examination in Washington, D.C.:
Forward and Rear annunciator panels (4)
Dynon Avionics EFIS-65
JPI 450
Aspen Avionics EFD1000
The four annunciator panels and G-meter gauge were examined at the NTSB's materials laboratory. The examination of the four annunciator panels was to determine if hot coil stretching of the light bulb filaments had occurred. Each panel had a bank of 12 positions; fire, 150kg fuel, don't start, canopy unlocked, dangerous altitude, HYD. Sys fail, engine vibration, cabin pressure, M Max, generator, emergency generator, INV. 115V fail. Each light bulb from all four annunciator panels was examined; the light bulb filaments were found intact and not stretched.
The G-meter instrument gauge was submitted to determine if witness marks from the needle were present on the gauge face. There was no witness mark identified on the gauge face. The full report is attached to the public docket for this accident.
The Garmin 96C, TRUTrak System EFIS AP 111-DC, and the Dynon EFIS-D6 were examined at the NTSB's vehicle recorders laboratory. The technician was able to download the Garmin unit; however, there were no recorded tracks. The TruTrak System does not record data; however, when power was applied to the unit it was functional. The Dynon EFIS-D6 was an early software version and hardware design, as such; it did not record any data. However, when power was placed to the unit, it was functional.
According to the pilot of the lead airplane there were two video cameras onboard the accident airplane. One video camera was recovered from the accident airplane; however, the second video camera was not recovered. The video camera that was recovered had been positioned so that it was facing the rear seat passenger. The one video camera was shipped to the Vehicle Recorders laboratory in Washington, D.C. The specialist downloaded the video; however, the accident was not recorded on the video.
The onboard video obtained from the pilot of the lead airplane was also reviewed by the NTSB's Vehicle Recorder laboratory. Due to background noise (lead airplane's engine), the specialist was not able to isolate the air-to-air communication between the lead pilot and accident pilot. However, the specialist was able to reduce the background noise significantly and while faint, a conversation between the lead pilot and accident pilot can be heard. The lead pilot queried the accident pilot if everything was ok, and if the accident pilot was going to return to the airport. The accident pilot's response cannot be understood. This was followed immediately by a mayday call from the lead pilot that the accident airplane had gone down.
Boulder City Municipal Airport provided the NTSB IIC with recorded video of the runway. It showed the airplanes taxiing to the active runway, the takeoff roll, and initial lift off from the runway.
According to the flight manual, a red canopy unlocked light will illuminate in each cockpit when one of the canopies is not locked. According to the emergency procedures for the L39, section 3-27 titled Cockpit Pressurization/Ventilation System Malfunction, stated in part, that if the canopy was open/lost/broken during flight, the pilot was to reduce airspeed to 145 knots indicated airspeed (KIAS), descend below 10,000 feet, and land as soon as practical. It also stated that the landing airspeed should be the takeoff airspeed plus 20 KIAS maximum.
The reservation form provided by Incredible Adventures, Inc., Sarasota, Florida, to the passengers, was the cancellation policies. One section titled, "Additional filming rules & regulations," that the passengers agreed to abide by all the regulations set forth by the FAA and the local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) governing motion picture and television operations. It indicated that a briefing would take place and include informing the participants of the risks involved, emergency procedures, and safeguards to be followed during the filming production event. The brief would also include any additional provision issued by the FSDO that has "geographical responsibility for the operational area, including the location of boundaries or time limits."
A review of the operating limitations for the airplane dated March 24, 2011, indicated that the operating limitations did not expire. Of note were items number 10, 30, 38, and 43.
Item 10 states in part…
No person MAY be carried in this aircraft during the exhibition of the aircraft's flight capabilities, performance, or unusual characteristics at air shows, or for motion picture, television, or similar productions, unless essential for the purpose of the flight.
Item 30 states…
No person may operate this aircraft other than the purpose(s) of exhibition to exhibit the aircraft, or participate in events outlined in Walt Woltosz's Program Letter or (any amendments) describing compliance with 21.293(d). In addition, this aircraft must be operated in accordance with applicable air traffic and general operating rules of part 91, and all additional limitations herein prescribed under the provisions of 91.319)e). These operating limitations are part of Form 8130-7, and are to be carried in the aircraft at all times and be available to the pilot in command of the aircraft.
Item 38 states…
This aircraft is authorized for flights or static display at air shows, air races, and in motion pictures conducted under a waiver issued in accordance with 91.903.
Item 43 in part states…
The special airworthiness certificate and attached operating limitations for the aircraft have no expiration date.
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Friday, May 18, 2012 in Boulder City, NV
Aircraft: AERO VODOCHODY L-39, registration: N39WT
Injuries: 2 Fatal.
This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On May 18, 2012, about 1300 Pacific daylight time, an experimental exhibition Aero Vodochody L-39, N39WT, impacted desert terrain about 1/2 mile from the Boulder City Municipal Airport (BVU), Boulder City, Nevada. Mach 1 Aviation and Incredible Adventures operated the flight under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. The airline transport pilot and one passenger were fatally injured; the airplane sustained substantial damage to the fuselage and wing assembly. The accident airplane, along with another L-39 (N139CK), departed Van Nuys Airport (VNY), Van Nuys, California, about 0730 on the morning of the accident. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the cross-country flight, and no flight plan had been filed. The flight was destined for Boulder City.
A group of eight people had paid for a flight package. The flight was to be 45 minutes long, and at the end of the flight each passenger would be provided a film of their flight. The majority of the group was interviewed, and they stated that they were driven by bus from their hotel to BVU. Once they arrived at BVU, they made their way into BFE FBO (fixed based operator) and were told by someone at BFE that the two airplanes were en route from VNY. While they waited for the airplanes to arrive, the group discussed the order in which they would fly since only one passenger could occupy one seat in each airplane. After the airplanes arrived, the group reported seeing two people exit each airplane. The group talked to the pilots and took pictures of themselves with the airplanes. They moved inside BFE to a conference room where they received a briefing of what to expect. Members of the group indicated that there would be four flights; two flights would occur before lunch, the airplanes would be refueled, and then they would have the final two flights. The passengers did not observe any mechanical problems during the first two flights. The accident flight occurred on the third flight of the day after the lunch break.
The passenger in the lead airplane for the accident flight stated that that he and the other passenger got into their respective airplanes, he did not watch the other passenger get ready for their flight. He stated that he figured out how to put his own seatbelt/safety harness on, and was instructed about the canopy usage. After the canopies were closed, he was able to hear the pilot of his airplane and the pilot of the other airplane. The passenger stated that his pilot received a clearance for takeoff and was notified that a flight of Apache helicopters were inbound for landing. The pilots taxied the airplanes to the runway and came to a stop. The lead airplane was on the left side of the runway and the accident airplane was on the right side of the runway. There was a discussion about the crosswind and if there were any issues on takeoff, his airplane would make a left turn, and the accident airplane would make a "harder left [turn]." To the passenger the takeoff was normal. He recalled looking at the altimeter and noting that about 400 feet above the ground, his pilot instructed the other pilot to stay in formation. The passenger stated that his airplane was in a climbing left turn and he heard the other pilot say mayday three times and "canopy." He looked out of his window and saw the accident airplane in a right turn, then saw it flatten out followed by a puff of dirt. He recalled seeing the accident airplane go underneath one set of power lines. The passenger stated that there were no further communications from the pilot of the accident airplane. One of the helicopters approaching BVU during the airplanes takeoff saw the crash and landed near the accident site to render assistance. The pilot of the lead airplane circled over the accident site and gave the helicopter's crew instructions on how to open the canopies and turn off the engine.
The pilot in the lead airplane stated that the takeoff was normal. The climb out was normal until he heard a "canopy" call coming from the pilot of the other airplane.
The accident site was approximately 1/2 mile northwest of the airport in flat desert terrain. The airplane came to rest intact between two sets of power lines next to an access road. The first identified point of impact (FIPC) was a flat area adjacent to a berm alongside the road; an impression of the airplane fuselage and wings were observed in the dirt at the FIPC. The debris field from the FIPC to the main wreckage was about 480 feet long. Undercarriage and a gear door were found about 100 feet from the main wreckage. The airplane rotated slightly to the west next to the access road. A 25-pound ballast was found on the other side of the access road. Investigators noted a 4-foot-deep by 20-feet-wide crater just behind the engine.
Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) -- The pilot of the Aero Vodochody L39 that crashed near the Boulder City Airport has been identified as Douglass E. Gilliss, 65 of Solano Beach, Calif., according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
The passenger on board, as reported by the LVRJ, was Richard A. Winslow, 65, of Palmdale, Calif.
According to Red Steel Jet Team spokesperson, Gilliss was flying out of Boulder City for California where he was schedule to take a commercial flight to Kansas City, Mo. for an air show.
The pilot of a jet fighter plane that crashed near Boulder City Friday has been identified as Douglas Gilliss by members of the Red Steel Jet Team, of which Gilliss was a member.
A note posted on Red Steel’s Facebook page Saturday morning stated “Yesterday just outside of Boulder City, NV we lost Doug in an air plane crash on his way to Van Nuys, California…Doug's aviation resume is and will remain one of the most respected in the industry.”
The accident occurred Friday around 12:30 p.m. about a half-mile west of the Boulder City Airport.
According to Federal Aviation Administration, a Czech-made Aero Vodochody L39 jet crashed for unknown reasons in a mostly barren desert area near a string of power lines.
Local authorities have confirmed that two people aboard the plane were killed, but have not officially identified either victim.
According to his profile on Red Steel’s website, Gilliss was a former United States Air Force Pilot who flew more than 5,800 hours during his 30-year career. He was a certified FAA safety counselor and had developed and taught curriculum for the L-39.
A second L39 jet that took off alongside Gillis’s jet Friday circled the airport and landed safely, witnesses said.
Charles Nevel, a custodian at the airport, said he saw the planes take off in tandem. The jet that crashed peeled off and slowly descended before it went out of sight behind a building, he said. The same plane had safely taken off and landed earlier in the day, he said.
According to employees at various businesses at the airport, some of whom monitor aircraft radio chatter, the jet experienced some sort of difficulty when taking off. Moments after a puff of smoke appeared, the pilot radioed “mayday!” before the aircraft crashed.
The National Transportation Safety Board is the lead investigator in the accident, and will release a report of its findings in the coming weeks.
The L-39 Albatross is a jet trainer aircraft developed in the former Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. It has a single turbofan jet engine and a top speed of 485 mph, according to Hopper Flight, an L-39 jet enthusiast group.
One website, L-39 Enthusiasts, lists 19 crashes of the aircraft since July 3, 1998; there was most recently a crash Jan. 20 in Rainbow City, Ala.
Pilot loses license after fatal jet crash in Tehachapi
The former Air Force captain received a revocation order after a Fourth of July aerial display ended with two deaths.
October 07, 2009|Dan Weikel
Federal authorities have revoked the pilot's license of a veteran aviator who flew in a July 4 aerial display in Tehachapi, Calif., that ended with the fatal crash of a vintage Soviet military jet with two people aboard.
The Federal Aviation Administration canceled the airline transport pilot and ground instruction certificates of Douglas E. Gilliss of Solana Beach, a former U.S. Air Force captain and Vietnam War veteran with decades of aviation experience.
The FAA sent Gilliss a revocation order Sept. 28, a copy of which was obtained by The Times on Tuesday under the federal Freedom of Information Act.
Gilliss was one of several pilots who participated in a formation flyover of three Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfins, once the standard jet trainer of the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact nations during the Cold War. Gilliss flies with the Thunder Delfins, a group of L-29 enthusiasts.
During the flyover, one Delfin fell out of formation and slammed into Old Town Road, killing David Zweigle, 42, the city's airport director, and Robert Chamberlain, 63, of Morrison, Colo., a retired airline pilot and former Air Force test pilot. The aircraft, which was owned and flown by Zweigle, passed over a park and missed several houses before impact.
FAA officials say that Gilliss violated federal regulations by flying over densely populated areas at less than 1,000 feet. They also assert that Gilliss improperly carried a passenger and falsely claimed in a pilot's log that he had checked out Zweigle in the L-29 before the crash.
Zweigle was required to demonstrate his ability to fly the L-29 to an FAA-designated flight examiner before he could act as the pilot in command of the aircraft. FAA officials say Gilliss was a flight examiner at the time.
"You have demonstrated that you lack the required care, judgment and responsibility to hold any airman certificate," the FAA stated in the revocation order.
Gilliss declined to comment, except to say that he would appeal the decision.
In an earlier statement, he said the L-29s avoided populated areas and flew between 1,200 and 1,500 feet, well above the minimum required altitude.
He said the planes did not present a hazard to the public because they proceeded along the area's railroad tracks and not directly over the city of about 35,000.
An Aero Vodochody L39 jet taxis for takeoff at the Boulder City Airport just before crashing into the desert about a half mile west of the airstrip.
Witnesses told FOX5 the plane went down near the intersection of U.S. 93 and Veteran's Memorial Highway.
Les Krifaton/FOX5
Two people were killed Friday afternoon when a small, single-engine jet crashed just west of Boulder City Airport, authorities said.
According to Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Ian Gregor, a Czech-made Aero Vodochody L39 jet crashed for unknown reasons about a half mile west of the Boulder City Airport. The plane, built as a high-performance military trainer, went down in a desert area near a string of power lines.
Local authorities are reporting that both people aboard the plane were killed. Boulder City Police Chief Thomas Finn said he could not confirm the deaths, but he said the occupants were still in the plane some two hours after the crash.
The plane crashed about 12:30 p.m. as it was taking off from the airport, Finn said. “It landed flat; it pancaked into the desert,” he said.
After the plane crashed, the engine was still running and caught fire, burning the rear end of the aircraft, Finn said.
According to employees at various businesses at the airport, some of whom monitor aircraft radio chatter, the jet experienced some sort of difficulty when taking off from the airstrip.
Moments after a puff of smoke appeared, the pilot radioed “mayday!” before the aircraft crashed. People nearby said there didn’t appear to be a fireball.
Another aircraft was flying overhead at the time and, after circling, landed at the airport.
The L-39 Albatross is a popular model of jet trainer aircraft developed in the former Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. It has a single turbofan jet engine and a top speed of 485 mph, according to Hopper Flight, an L-39 jet enthusiast group.
The Boulder City airport is not controlled, meaning there is no air traffic control tower and pilots announce their intentions on their radios, using a shared frequency.
Emergency responders, including Metro Police and Boulder City police and firefighters, were at the scene.
BOULDER CITY, NV (FOX5) - A Czech-made jet aircraft crashed in the desert near Boulder City on Friday afternoon.
The Federal Aviation Administration identified the plane as a single-engine Aero Vodochody L 39, a combat plane that is also popular for recreational flying.
Photographs taken by FOX5's Les Krifaton showed the aircraft was largely intact and resting on its belly in a desert area south of U.S. 93