Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Judge finds issues with Port’s airport contract claims: A civil engineering firm claims it was stiffed $70,000 by a paving contractor for work at the Astoria Regional Airport (KAST)

A Multnomah County Circuit Court judge has denied the Port of Astoria’s attempts to end before trial a case the agency brought against Astoria Regional Airport paver Corpac Construction Co.

Civil engineering firm Harper Houf Peterson, a subcontractor for Corpac, claims it provided $129,000 worth of services but were stiffed $70,000 by the construction company. The Port, overseeing the federal grant financing the airport work, took the case on behalf of the engineers.

The Contractors Bonding & Insurance Co., the entity responsible for ensuring payment through a surety bond, was named as a co-defendant. The Port’s lawyers claim the insurer is responsible for the bill.

The judge agreed with the defendants that there are factual issues in the case, such as the defendants claims that Harper Houf Peterson overbilled and did not perform parts of the contract properly. Corpac also claims the contract between the parties is ambiguous.

Trisha Cauthorn, president of Corpac, submitted testimony claiming Harper Houf Peterson billed for services such as clerical work for which her company is not responsible.

Original article can be found here ➤ http://www.dailyastorian.com

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