Wednesday, August 02, 2017

No Node at Eagles Nest Airport (31E)

The following was addressed to the state Office for Planning Advocacy.

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is being written in opposition to the proposed creation of a “heavy industrial transportation node” at Eagles Nest Airport in Eagleswood Township.

At a hearing in Eagleswood on June 28, your representative, Colleen McGurk, stated that certain CAFRA regulations would be modified by the “node” designation. The most egregious of these pertains to impervious coverage. It has been noted that the greatest cause of pollution of our bays and waterways is nonpoint source pollution. This is a result of increasing amounts of impervious coverage from parking lots to rooftops causing toxic runoff. The CAFRA regulations were put into place to protect our coastal region and, by extension, the residents and their property. Increasing the impervious coverage amount of the airport from 30 to 80 percent will send runoff into the pristine Westecunk Creek, which feeds directly into lower Barnegat Bay. It is unconscionable the state would even consider this action.

Eagles Nest Airport has had several accidents resulting in the loss of three lives.  In the last three months there were two non-fatal crashes associated with the airport. The improvements made to the airport will create more business, which is the stated goal of your proposal. The unassailable fact is that more business for the airport means more take-offs and landings.

You must be aware that our township elementary school is located directly in the path of the runway to the east. This increase in business, while benefiting the airport owner, will further compromise the safety of our school-age children as well as all Eagleswood residents.

Property values, which have already been depressed by the success of the airport, will fall even further with increased air traffic.

It is my hope that you will reconsider your proposal to create a heavy industrial transportation node at Eagles Nest Airport given the aforementioned serious concerns.

Patrick Filardi
West Creek

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