Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cessna 172E Skyhawk, N3500S: Aircraft experienced carb icing; attempted short field landing clipped tree top; engine came back to life - aircraft flew 12 miles to home field

AIRCRAFT:    1963 Cessna 172E Skyhawk N3500S, sn 17250700

ENGINE - M&M, S/N:      Continental O-300-D   sn 28121-D-3-d

PROPELLER – M&M, S/N:   McCauley 1C172/EM7653      sn 79034

APPROXIMATE TOTAL HOURS (estimated TT & TSMO from logbooks or other information):

ENGINE:   3919.0 TT    1859.0 SMOH as of 27 April 2107    

PROPELLER:    Unk TT   66.6 TSPOH as of 27 April 2107

AIRFRAME:  3919 TT  as of 27 April 2017

OTHER EQUIPMENT:   KMA 24 Audio panel, KLN 89B GPS, KX 125 Nav Comm, KX 170B Nav Comm,

DESCRIPTION OF ACCIDENT:  Aircraft experienced carb icing.  Attempted short field landing clipped tree top.  Engine came back to life aircraft flew 12 miles to home field

DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGES: Damages include, but not limited to prop strike, both wings leading edges, rear fuselage, left & right elevators, horizontal stabilizer and lower nose cowl.

LOCATION OF AIRCRAFT:   Grass strip, Pink Hill, North Carolina



1 comment:

  1. This was my Uncles airplane from years ago i remember flying it all over the North East he parked it at Teterboro back in the day.
