NTSB Identification: ERA16CA214
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Friday, June 10, 2016 in Dundee, MS
Probable Cause Approval Date: 01/18/2017
Injuries: 1 Minor.
NTSB investigators used data provided by various entities, including, but not limited to, the Federal Aviation Administration and/or the operator and did not travel in support of this investigation to prepare this aircraft accident report.
The 80 year old pilot usually flew with his son and not by himself. On the day of the accident, he intended to fly solo around a lake and then return to the private landing strip to pick up his son for an additional flight together. The pilot took off from the landing strip and flew over some property that he used to own. The pilot stated that he blacked out and did not recall the accident. The last thing he remembered was turning back to the lake. He then heard voices and people were helping him into a boat. According to a witness, she observed the airplane flying south over the lake behind her house and then strike a power line that extended from the lake bank near the rear of her house, across the water to the island. After striking the power line, the airplane "nosedived" into the lake. The pilot reported no preaccident mechanical malfunctions or failures with the airplane that would have precluded normal operation.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The pilot’s failure to maintain clearance from a power line.
FAA Flight Standards District Office: FAA Jackson FSDO-31
Docket And Docket Items - National Transportation Safety Board:https://dms.ntsb.gov/pubdms
Aviation Accident Factual Report - National Transportation Safety Board: https://app.ntsb.gov/pdf
NTSB Identification: ERA16CA214
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Friday, June 10, 2016 in Dundee, MS
Injuries: 1 Minor.
NTSB investigators used data provided by various entities, including, but not limited to, the Federal Aviation Administration and/or the operator and did not travel in support of this investigation to prepare this aircraft accident report.
The 80 year old pilot usually flew with his son and not by himself. On the day of the accident, he intended to fly solo around a lake and then return to the private landing strip to pick up his son for an additional flight together. The pilot took off from the landing strip and flew over some property that he used to own. The pilot stated that he blacked and did not recall the accident. The last thing he remembered was turning back to the lake. He then heard voices and people were helping him into a boat. According to a witness, she observed the airplane flying south over the lake behind her house and then strike a powerline that extended from the lake bank near the rear of her house, across the water to the island. After striking the powerline, the airplane "nosedived" into the lake. The pilot reported no preaccident mechanical malfunctions or failures with the airplane that would have precluded normal operation.
An airplane crashed in Coahoma County, Mississippi on Thursday.
The pilot in the crash survived, thanks to the help of a group of people who saw the crash.
A man who lives near the crash site said his power went out and he heard a loud noise. He ran to see what had happened, and that's when he found the plane crashed in a body of water.
The man, along with four other people, jumped in the water and pulled the pilot to safety.
"It caught the power line. I saw it in the corner of my eye and then the plane slapped the water," witness Ben Shaffett said.
Shaffett said Thursday night around 7:30 p.m. the plane was flying in circles over the lake. He then saw the plane crash. That's when he took action, jumped on his jet ski, and rushed to go help.
"We heard this big loud boom and we looked outside and saw an electricity surge across the water," Tristan Ainsworth said.
Ainsworth said after the plane hit the power line and knocked out the power to his home, he ran outside. That is when he saw the plane upside down in the lake.
"I saw the man trying to climb out," Ainsworth said.
Ainsworth dove off the pier and swam to the plane. He, along with two other neighbors, began to pull the pilot to the shore. The man was going in and out of consciousness.
The neighbors helped him put on his life jacket and stabilized his head. They worked to keep him from moving because they were unsure of any injuries he had.
On Friday, Coahoma County Sheriff's deputies removed the plane from the water. Neighbors said they are happy they were able to help.
"It was lucky where it happened because there was a lot of people in the water."
According to the pilot's daughter, the pilot is out of the hospital and is doing OK.
Story and video: http://www.tucsonnewsnow.com
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