Thursday, May 28, 2015

Grumman AA-5B Tiger, N28314: Incident occurred May 28, 2015 in Bardstown, Nelson/Washington County line, Kentucky

Date: 28-MAY-15 
Time: 16:55:00Z
Regis#: N28314
Aircraft Make: GRUMMAN
Aircraft Model: AA5
Event Type: Incident
Highest Injury: None
Damage: None
Flight Phase: LANDING (LDG)
FAA FSDO: FAA Louisville FSDO-17
State: Kentucky


BARDSTOWN, Ky. (WLKY) —A Chester, South Carolina, man who bought a plane in Indiana was forced to make an emergency landing Thursday on a Kentucky highway Thursday.

Robert Kinion, 57, said he had just bought the Grumman American AA-5B Tiger, and was heading home when the plane started to have engine trouble. Kinion said he tried to take the plane higher, but it would not gain altitude.

He called Kentucky State Police for help and asked for the nearest airport.

Kinion said he couldn't make it that far, so he looked for another place to land.

The Bluegrass Parkway was too busy, so Kinion landed on Highway 555 just north of the Bluegrass Parkway in Washington County, Kentucky.

Kinion said there were two cars on the road when he landed and he thought he might hit them, so he circled, then lost altitude. As he landed, Kinion said he almost hit one car, but it pulled over.


(WHAS 11)—KSP are on the scene of an aircraft making emergency landing on Highway 555 at the Nelson/Washington County line.

The small aircraft signaled they were in distress then landed 15 mile east of Bardstown.

The plane made an emergency landing and the pilot is out of the plane and okay.

There are no injuries, no damage, and no crash.

KSP Trooper Jeff Gregory tells WHAS that a wrecker has been called to take the plane to the airport to figure out what went wrong.


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