Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and American Eagle Airlines are partnering on a pilot-hiring program that will give the school’s aeronautical science (professional pilot) graduates an employment advantage.
Through its Pilot Pipeline Program, American Airlines affiliate American Eagle will gain a steady supply of airline-qualified pilots by screening, training and hiring Embry-Riddle flight students. The students will in turn receive a $10,000 scholarship with a two-year commitment to the program as well as specialized training leading to employment as a commercial airline officer.
“At a time when a pilot shortage is upon us, this program is an outstanding opportunity for our students to acquire valuable experience with a leading airline and meet American Eagle’s employment needs,” Embry-Riddle President John P. Johnson said.
Nicholas Alford, American Eagle’s director of pilot recruitment, said “Embry-Riddle is one of the top aviation and aerospace colleges in the nation and we’re thrilled they’re joining the American Eagle Pilot Pipeline Program.”
To be eligible for the program, Embry-Riddle students must be at the sophomore level or higher and maintain a 2.5 cumulative grade point average as well as a 3.0 GPA in their major.
After earning their B.S. in Aeronautical Science and Commercial, Instrument and Multi-Engine flight ratings at Embry-Riddle, the selected graduates will become full-time American Eagle employees while serving as Embry-Riddle flight instructors, accruing additional flight hours. After reaching a certain number of flight hours operating commercial aircraft for American Eagle, they will have a guaranteed interview for a first officer position with American Airlines.
Embry-Riddle has pilot-hiring agreements with other airlines as well: Cape Air/JetBlue, ExpressJet/Delta and SkyWest.
Story: http://www.news-journalonline.com