Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letters to the editor: Don't allow seaplanes on Waldo Lake

Published: Monday, January 28, 2013, 4:00 AM 
Updated: Monday, January 28, 2013, 4:09 AM
By Letters to the editor

 Regarding "Oregon agency wants to allow seaplanes at Waldo Lake" (, Jan. 16): Waldo Lake is the wrong place to allow seaplane use

Waldo Lake's unique water quality makes it one of the cleanest lakes in the world and an unparalleled scientific and recreational resource. 

Last year, just six seaplane landings took place on Waldo Lake. Though each of those landings had the potential to introduce invasive species, a similarly catastrophic risk is that a single crash landing would contaminate this pristine lake for generations of Oregonians. Waldo's spring-fed sources and short summer season don't allow the lake to readily purge itself of significant gas and oil contamination. 

The state of Oregon is the primary steward of this lake. Under Oregon law, seaplanes are treated as motorboats while on the water. Oregon seaplane owners should not have privileges that other motor boat owners don't have. 

Common sense and the preference of most Oregonians strongly suggest that stewards of the state's resources should protect Waldo's extraordinary water quality by removing all gas engines from the lake's surface. 

H. "Woody" Fine

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