BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) Officials say a pilot has been killed when his small plane crashed after clipping an electric cable and nose diving to the ground in southern Romania.
Madalin Ipatie, the chief of the ambulance service in the area, said that the pilot's aircraft caught fire after it flew into the light colored cable and then exploded as it crashed into the ground on Sunday morning.
The Ziarul de Bacau newspaper identified the 57-year-old victim, as flight instructor Petru Lazar, an experienced pilot who had flown various planes, including Soviet MiGs in his long career.
The crash happened on a bright, sunny day during an informal meeting of Romanian pilots near near Banesti, some 60 kilometers (37 miles) north of Bucharest.
Comandorul Petru Lazar, pilot de incercare la Aerostar Bacau, a murit
azi – dimineata intr-un accident aviatic petrecut pe aerodromul
Banesti, din judetul Prahova.
Potrivit directorului Ambulanţei Prahova, medicul Daniel Nicolae,
avionul a căzut pe un câmp, în apropierea unei pensiuni, într-o zonă în
care nu se afla nicio persoană.
Se pare ca avionul ultrausor pilotat de comandorul Lazar a zbura la
joasa inaltime, in apropierea firelor de inalta tensiune si, la un
moment dat, s-a produs un arc electric. Avionul a luat foc in aer si s-a
prabusit pe camp. Pilotul a murit pe loc.
Aparatul de zbor se pregatea pentru mitingul aviatic programat astazi la Banesti.
Vom reveni cu amanunte.
Article and photo: http://www.ziaruldebacau.ro
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