Friday, October 16, 2015

Scanner Traffic: Plane Crash? • Carlin Bay/Lake Coeur d'Alene, along H97

  • 2:29 p.m. Responders decide that there's no crash. Caller might have scene small plane w/o pontoons practicing water landings.
  • 2:07 p.m. MedStar now in air looking for possible plane crash debris at Carlin Bay.
  • 2:01 p.m. Pilot reports he can't spot plane under water at Carlin Bay site but there may be something 2 miles away.
  • 1:59 p.m. Fire boat en route to possible plane crash site.
  • 1:54 p.m. Witness to possible plane crash is waiting at scene for officers, reports seeing no debris, only buoy near area of possible crash.
  • 1:50 p.m. Officer at Carlin Bay says she doesn't see any evidence of plane crash.
  • 1:47 p.m. Dispatcher has fielded a report of a small plane flying along H97 moments before crash call.
  • 1:40 p.m. Plane Crash?   Motorist reports possible crash of light plane into Carlin Bay/Lake Coeur d'Alene, along H97. Motorist said that the plane didn't have pontoons on it, so he didn't think the plane was landing. Dive team is en route.
PM Scanner Traffic -- 10.16.15:

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