Monday, June 24, 2013

East Hampton Village Preservationists Ask Board To Support Airport Noise Plan

Publication: The East Hampton Press
By Shaye Weaver,   June 24, 2013 10:49 AM
Updated:  June 24, 2013 11:43 AM

Amidst the ongoing debate about airplane and helicopter noise stemming from East Hampton Airport, the Village Preservation Society of East Hampton recently created a plan that would reduce the noise. Peter Wolf, the chairman of the group, presented the policy to East Hampton Village Board members on Friday, asking for their support.

The plan outlines four points for East Hampton municipalities to follow: Do not accept additional FAA money, limit flights to between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., reduce the frequency of operation, and do not allow flights to pass over water, which amplifies the noise.

Mr. Wolf said having the village on board would greatly influence the Town council members.

"As a planner I've dealt with land use planning in communities for many years, I know this is a ticklish issue and I know by requesting you pay attention and consider this proposal is outside out your boundaries, jurisdiction and comfort zone," he said. "Your silence on this issue is approval of the status quo."

Mayor Paul F. Rickenbach Jr. said the Village Board is very sensitive to the airport noise issue and that it is a hot button issue at the town level, and asked if the VPS approached the Town Board yet with its proposal. Mr. Wolf said they will go to Town Board next.

"The VPS is so closely aligned with the village that we wanted to come here first," Mr. Wolf said.

The mayor said while the board is supportive of what the group is trying to do, it will be up to the town to solve the noise issue.

"With respect to the posture of Town Board, I don’t see any resolution of some of these issues in the immediate future," he said. " In the long term, remediation will take place but will take place at the Town Board level. If there is sunlight at end of this tunnel this board would like to be a part of that as it is applicable to all town residents."

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