Vittorio Missoni, 58, and his wife were among six people on board the flight from Los Roques islands to Caracas.
Interior Ministry spokesman Jorge Galindo announced the discovery of the plane on Twitter.
Officials said it was found 70m (230ft) under water, north of Los Roques islands in the Caribbean.
Following the plane's disappearance on 4 January, investigators from the Italian Agency for Air Safety (ANSV) said the company that owned the small plane was not fully licensed to operate.
A piece of luggage from the aircraft was found off the Dutch island of Curacao, about 320km (200 miles) west of Los Roques, later that month.
Map locator
Mr Missoni was the son of the fashion brand's founder, Ottavio Missoni, and co-owned the firm with his siblings.
He was returning from a Christmas and New Year holiday with his wife, Maurizia Castiglioni, and two friends - Elda Scalvenzi and Guido Foresti.
Two Venezuelan pilots were also on board the BN-2 Islander plane.
Minutes after take-off, one of the pilots reported that the plane was at 5,000ft (1,524m) and 10 nautical miles from Los Roques airport, Italy's air safety agency has said.
The last radar report showed the aircraft accelerating at 5,400ft (1,645m) before it rapidly lost altitude and speed, veering to the right until it disappeared from the radar.
Missing Aircraft: Britten-Norman BN-2A-27 Islander, YV2615
Missing plane with Vittorio Missoni
Milan, January 5, 2013
Vittorio Missoni Maurizia with his wife and friends Brescia Eda Scalvenzi Foresti and Guido were on board the Britten-Norman BN-2A-27 Islander (YV2615) departed from the archipelago of Los Roques and disappeared yesterday.
There was also Vittorio Missoni, the son of Ottavio and Rosita, among the four Italians who were traveling on the plane that departed from the archipelago of Los Roques and direct Maiquetia Airport in Caracas, who died yesterday. On the plane from tourism in 1968, with his wife traveled Missoni Maurizia Castiglioni, and a couple of friends, Eda Scalvenzi and Guido Foresti, as well as the pilot and co-pilot. The last contact of the pilot with the air traffic control (ATC)- writes El Nacional - was done at 10 miles from the capital. The tourists had stayed in Gran Roque The plane had taken off from the airport of Los Roques and was scheduled to land at the international airport in Maiquetia Simon Bolivar, about 20 km from Caracas. Vanished at a point not far from the archipelago, Norman BN2 white with the initials YV2615 BN-2, reported to the authorities, with the arrival of the night had to suspend the search, which - diplomatic sources have pointed out - will resume in the morning. In the area were engaged several boats and 2:00 to 3:00 Venezuelan aircraft.
Scomparso aereo con Vittorio Missoni
Milano, 05 gennaio 2013
Vittorio Missoni con la moglie Maurizia e gli amici bresciani Eda Scalvenzi e Guido Foresti erano a bordo bimotore Britten Norman BN2 Islander, decollato dall'arcipelago di Los Roques e scomparso da ieri.
C'era anche Vittorio Missoni, figlio di Ottavio e Rosita, tra i quattro italiani che viaggiavano su un bimotore Britten Norman BN2 Islander, decollato dall'arcipelago di Los Roques e diretto all'aeroporto Maiquetia di Caracas, scomparso da ieri. Sull'aereo da turismo, anno 1968, con Missoni viaggiavano la moglie Maurizia Castiglioni, e una coppia di amici, Eda Scalvenzi e Guido Foresti, nonchè il pilota e il co-pilota. L'ultimo contatto del pilota con la torre di controllo - scrive El Nacional - è stato fatto a 10 miglia dalla capitale. I turisti avevano soggiornato a Gran Roque L'aereo era decollato dallo scalo di Los Roques e doveva atterrare all'aeroporto internazionale Simon Bolivar di Maiquetia, circa 20 chilometri da Caracas. A sparire in un punto non lontano dall'arcipelago è stato un piccolo bimotore britannico Norman BN2 di colore bianco con le sigle YV2615 BN-2, hanno reso noto le autorità, che con l'arrivo della notte hanno dovuto sospendere le ricerche, le quali - hanno precisato fonti diplomatiche - riprenderanno domani di prima mattina. Nella zona sono state impegnate diverse imbarcazioni e due-tre aerei venezuelani.
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