Mumbai, Dec 14(PTI)In three separate incidents, Customs officials arrested five passengers including a foreign national from Mumbai international airport and seized gold jewellery, watches, pens and drugs collectively valued at Rs 2.37 crore, a senior official said today. An Ugandan woman, who was scheduled to fly to her country in the wee hours yesterday, was arrested from Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus International Airport for allegedly possessing cocaine worth Rs 1.54 crore.
The accused Musoga Diana, carrying Uganda passport, had come to Mumbai from Delhi and was to fly to Entebbe via Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, the official said. Her baggage was checked after a dog of security officials started sniffing at her luggage and she was found to be carrying light brown colour powder which was later identified as cocaine worth around Rs 1.54 crore, the official said adding she had smartly concealed it in her purses and handbags. She was subsequently arrested under relevant sections of NDPS act, the official said. In an another incident yesterday, three Indian passengers were arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle in "high end" watches and pens collectively worth Rs 76 lakh.
The official said, "We had information that three passengers would land in Mumbai with high-end valuables. Accordingly, checking was intensified yesterday when the accused Patni Sufiyan Hamid, Khan Mohammed Shamshuddin and Mudassir Memom were found alighting the flight and walking without any luggage." "The three were caught and taken back to the flight in which they landed here from Hong Kong. Their luggage was identified in which over thousand watches and pens. They appeared to be high-end watches worth about Rs 76 lakh as per initial estimates but the valuation could run into crores of rupees," the official said adding the three passengers were arrested and their valuables seized, he added. I
n the third incident, an Indian passenger Shakil Khan was intercepted at the airport yesterday after he passed through the green channel. Upon inquiry, Khan, who came in a flight from Dubai, stated he was not carrying any undeclared items. However, when he was checked thoroughly on suspicion, the assorted gold jewellery worth around Rs.7.27 lakh was found in his possession, the official said adding Khan was arrested and the valuables confiscated. PTI VM ABC
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