The National Transportation Safety Board did not travel to the scene of this accident.
Additional Participating Entity:
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Anchorage, Alaska
Additional Participating Entity:
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Anchorage, Alaska
Location: Talkeetna, Alaska
Accident Number: ANC19LA015
Date & Time: March 16, 2019
Registration: N7095S
Aircraft: Cessna 150
Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Defining Event: Loss of control in flight
Injuries: 2 None
Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General aviation - Instructional
The flight instructor reported that she initiated the takeoff at the beginning of the runway to use all 3,500 ft of available runway. She added that the flight controls were free and correct and that she applied power with the control yoke full aft for a "soft field" takeoff. The airplane "seemed" to become airborne earlier than normal, and during the initial climb, the nose of the airplane wanted to pitch up slightly. She applied "some" nose-down trim and pushed the yoke forward "slightly," and the airplane continued to climb. As the airspeed increased, the airplane's pitch attitude increased; she then applied full nose-down trim and full forward yoke and asked for help from her student. She then reduced the engine power to idle, performed an emergency landing, and the airplane came to rest in the trees.
A postaccident examination of the airplane and engine revealed no mechanical failures or malfunctions that would have precluded normal operation.
Probable Cause and Findings
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be:
A loss of pitch control for an undetermined reason, which resulted in a collision with terrain during an emergency landing.
Aircraft Pitch control - Attain/maintain not possible
Not determined (general) - Unknown/Not determined
Factual Information
On March 16, 2019, about 1530 Alaska daylight time, a Cessna 150H airplane, N7095S, impacted trees while performing an emergency landing after takeoff at Talkeetna Airport (TKA), Talkeetna, Alaska. The certified flight instructor and one student sustained no injuries. The airplane sustained substantial damage. The airplane was registered to a private individual and was operated under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 as a visual flight rules instructional flight. Day visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident, and no flight plan was filed. The flight originated from TKA, about 1530.
During discussion with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator-in-charge (IIC), the flight instructor reported that the purpose of the flight was to provide an introductory flight lesson to a prospective new student. She added that she was in the right seat, and the student was in the left seat at the time of the accident. Prior to departure she checked the movement of the flight controls and stated that they "were free and correct".
The flight instructor said that during the first takeoff run, condensation formed on the airplane's windscreen, so she aborted the takeoff and taxied back to the end of Runway 1 for a second attempt, using all 3,500 feet of available runway. During the second takeoff attempt, she applied power with the control yoke full aft for a "soft field" takeoff. The airplane "seemed" to become airborne earlier than normal, and during the initial climb out, the nose of the airplane wanted to pitch up slightly. She applied "some" nose down trim, and pushed the yoke forward "slightly", and the airplane continued to climb. As the airspeed increased the pitch up attitude increased, she then applied full nose down trim and full forward yoke and asked for help from her student.
The flight instructor added, she observed the tree line ahead, and unable to correct the nose high attitude of the airplane, reduced the engine power to idle and selected an area of tree covered terrain as an emergency landing site.
The airplane subsequently settled into the trees and came to rest near a road. The occupants were able to egress without further incident. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the both wings, the empennage, and the fuselage.
The flight instructor reported that during the accident flight, they had about 20 lbs. of equipment in the back seat/storage area, including an engine cover, sleeping bag, stove, and winter gear.
A postaccident examination of the airplane by the NTSB and Federal Aviation Administration revealed no mechanical failures or malfunctions that would have precluded normal operation.
The flight instructor further reported that there were no mechanical issues with the engine that would have precluded normal operation.
History of Flight
Takeoff Loss of control in flight (Defining event)
Takeoff Attempted remediation/recovery
Landing Off-field or emergency landing
Flight instructor Information
Certificate: Commercial; Flight instructor
Age: 35,Female
Airplane Rating(s): Single-engine land; Single-engine sea
Seat Occupied: Right
Other Aircraft Rating(s): None
Restraint Used: Lap only
Instrument Rating(s): Airplane
Second Pilot Present: No
Instructor Rating(s): Airplane single-engine
Toxicology Performed: No
Medical Certification: Class 3 Without waivers/limitations
Last FAA Medical Exam: February 24, 2017
Occupational Pilot: Yes
Last Flight Review or Equivalent: February 20, 2018
Flight Time: (Estimated) 950 hours (Total, all aircraft), 50 hours (Total, this make and model), 874 hours (Pilot In Command, all aircraft), 100 hours (Last 90 days, all aircraft), 70 hours (Last 30 days, all aircraft), 2 hours (Last 24 hours, all aircraft)
Student pilot Information
Certificate: None
Age: Male
Airplane Rating(s): None
Seat Occupied: Left
Other Aircraft Rating(s): None
Restraint Used: Lap only
Instrument Rating(s): None
Second Pilot Present: No
Instructor Rating(s): None
Toxicology Performed: No
Medical Certification: Unknown
Unknown Last FAA Medical Exam:
Occupational Pilot: No
Last Flight Review or Equivalent: Flight Time: (Estimated)
Aircraft and Owner/Operator Information
Aircraft Make: Cessna
Registration: N7095S
Model/Series: 150 H
Aircraft Category: Airplane
Year of Manufacture: 1967
Amateur Built: No
Airworthiness Certificate: Normal; Utility
Serial Number: 15067795
Landing Gear Type: Tricycle
Seats: 2
Date/Type of Last Inspection: August 1, 2018 Annual
Certified Max Gross Wt.: 1600 lbs
Time Since Last Inspection:
Engines: 1 Reciprocating
Airframe Total Time: 6391.6 Hrs as of last inspection
Engine Manufacturer: Continental
ELT: C126 installed, not activated
Engine Model/Series: O-200A-14
Registered Owner:
Rated Power: 100 Horsepower
Operator: On file
Operating Certificate(s) Held: None
Meteorological Information and Flight Plan
Conditions at Accident Site: Visual (VMC)
Condition of Light: Day
Observation Facility, Elevation: PATK,356 ft msl
Distance from Accident Site: 1 Nautical Miles
Observation Time: 14:53 Local
Direction from Accident Site: 210°
Lowest Cloud Condition: Few / 9000 ft AGL
Visibility: 10 miles
Lowest Ceiling:
Visibility (RVR):
Wind Speed/Gusts: /
Turbulence Type Forecast/Actual: None / None
Wind Direction:
Turbulence Severity Forecast/Actual: N/A / N/A
Altimeter Setting: 29.29 inches Hg
Temperature/Dew Point: 1°C / -6°C
Precipitation and Obscuration: No Obscuration; No Precipitation
Departure Point: Talkeetna, AK (TKA)
Type of Flight Plan Filed: None
Destination: Talkeetna, AK (TKA)
Type of Clearance: VFR
Departure Time:
Type of Airspace: Class E
Airport Information
Runway Surface Type: Asphalt
Airport Elevation: 364 ft msl
Runway Surface Condition: Dry
Runway Used: 01 IFR
Approach: None
Runway Length/Width: 3500 ft / 75 ft
VFR Approach/Landing: Full stop;Precautionary landing
Wreckage and Impact Information
Crew Injuries: 2 None
Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Passenger Injuries:
Aircraft Fire: None
Ground Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Explosion: None
Total Injuries: 2 None
Latitude, Longitude: 62.333057,-150.078613(est)
Accident Number: ANC19LA015
Date & Time: 03/16/2019, 1650 AKD
Registration: N7095S
Aircraft: Cessna 150
Injuries: 2 None
Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General Aviation - Instructional
On March 16, 2019, about 1650 Alaska daylight time, a Cessna 150 airplane, N7095S, sustained substantial damage during an off-airport, emergency landing, shortly after takeoff from Runway 1 at the Talkeetna Airport (TKA), Talkeetna, Alaska. The certificated flight instructor and one student sustained no injuries. The airplane was registered to a private individual and was operated under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 as a visual flight rules instructional flight. Day visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident, and no flight plan was filed. The flight originated from TKA, about 1645.
During a telephone conversation with a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator on March 16, the flight instructor reported that the purpose of the flight was to provide an introductory flight lesson to a prospective new student. She added that she was in the right seat, and the student was in the left seat at the time of the accident.
The flight instructor said that during the first takeoff run, condensation formed on the airplane's windscreen, so she aborted the takeoff and taxied back to the end of Runway 1 for a second attempt, using all 3,500 feet of available runway. She said that during the second takeoff attempt, just after becoming airborne, the nose of the airplane pitched up unexpectedly, so she pushed the control yoke full forward to lower the nose, but with no response. She said that she then asked the student for assistance in holding the yoke forward while she attempted to apply nose down elevator trim.
The flight instructor then observed the approaching tree line ahead, and unable to correct the nose high attitude of the airplane, she reduced the engine power to idle and selected an area of tree covered terrain as an emergency landing site. The airplane subsequently settled into the trees and came to rest near a road. The occupants were able to egress without further incident.
The airplane sustained substantial damage to the fuselage, both wings, and the empennage. The airplane was removed from the accident site and transported to a secure location for further examination.
The closest weather reporting facility was the Talkeetna Airport. At 1653, the METAR was reporting, in part: wind calm; visibility 10 statute miles, overcast clouds at 10,000 ft; temperature 32°F; dew point 23°F; altimeter 29.28 inches of mercury.
Aircraft and Owner/Operator Information
Aircraft Make: Cessna
Registration: N7095S
Model/Series: 150 H
Aircraft Category: Airplane
Amateur Built: No
Operator: On file
Operating Certificate(s) Held: None
Meteorological Information and Flight Plan
Conditions at Accident Site: Visual Conditions
Condition of Light: Day
Observation Facility, Elevation: PATK, 356 ft msl
Observation Time: 1653 UTC
Distance from Accident Site: 1 Nautical Miles
Temperature/Dew Point: 0°C / -5°C
Lowest Cloud Condition:
Wind Speed/Gusts, Direction: Calm / ,
Lowest Ceiling: Overcast / 10000 ft agl
Visibility: 10 Miles
Altimeter Setting: 29.28 inches Hg
Type of Flight Plan Filed:
Departure Point: Talkeetna, AK (TKA)
Destination: Talkeetna, AK (TKA)
Wreckage and Impact Information
Crew Injuries: 2 None
Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Passenger Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Fire: None
Ground Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Explosion: None
Total Injuries: 2 None
Latitude, Longitude: 62.333056, -150.078611 (est)
It happened on Saturday at around 4:13 p.m. near Beaver Road in Talkeetna.
Talkeetna Air Traffic Control reported a 1967 Cessna 150H went down after taking off from the Talkeetna Airport.
The pilot reported the plane experienced mechanical failure and went down shortly after take-off. Once the plane hit the ground, it slid to a stop against a group of trees, according to the trooper dispatch.
The two people on board the Cessna 150H reported no injuries and declined medical attention.
Original article can be found here ➤
Two people walked away uninjured from a plane crash involving 1967 Cessna 150H near Beaver Road in Talkeetna.
According to Alaska State Troopers, the agency responded to the area around 4:13 p.m. after Talkeetna Air Traffic Control reported the plane went down after taking off from the Talkeetna airport.
"The pilot reported the plane experienced mechanical failure and went down shortly after take-off, after hitting the ground the plane slid to a stop against a group of trees," an online dispatch states.
Emergency medical personnel responded, but both occupants refused care.
The FAA was notified and took control of the scene, troopers stated.
Original article can be found here ➤
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