Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Military-style police Hummer stolen from Coleman A. Young Municipal Airport (KDET), Detroit, Michigan

DETROIT (WJBK) - Someone used the quiet of Easter Sunday to steal a major piece of equipment from the Detroit police.

A military style Humvee was stolen from the department's hangar at Coleman A. Young Municipal Airport.

Maurice Robinson was stunned to see someone dumped the stolen Detroit police military style vehicle in basically his back yard.

"You have to be pretty brave to do that," he said.

US Border Patrol spotted the stolen vehicle in the alley on Marlborough on Detroit's east side.

"I looked and I saw the Hummer just sitting there," Robinson said. "The next thing I know, there is 15 to 20 cars (and) they had everything blocked off."

Police say someone swiped the Hummer from the parking lot at the Detroit Police Aviation Hangar at City Airport sometime Sunday night. A sergeant noticed it was missing Monday morning.

Border patrol spotted the hot Humvee in a field Monday afternoon. It wasn't torched or stripped. Detroit police's auto theft unit believes someone took it for a joy ride and then abandoned it.

The Humvee is now being processed for fingerprints as they try to determine who stole it.

As officers were investigating the stolen DPD Humvee they found another stolen vehicle - a 2014 Chevrolet Tahoe in a nearby garage - or at least what is left of it.

"They dump a lot of stuff down here," said Robinson. "They dump tires; they dump a lot of stuff in this same area right here."

Why? because abandoned houses mostly make up Marlborough Street and Robinson says he was happy to see police in his neighborhood. He just wishes it was more often.

"What can you do," he said. "You can complain but until something is done, this is what it is."

Story and video:  http://www.fox2detroit.com

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