Monday, March 16, 2015

The Wind Sock: Garberville Airport (O16), California

Inspectors check the fuel system at the Garberville airport.

By Dave Sky
Redwood Times

March 16, 2015 

Garberville >> Clear props! As of print the price of Av gas LL 100 at the Garberville airport is still $6.85 in comparison to Petaluma $4.15, Willits $5.19, Redding $5.50 and Eureka $6.48.

At the airport today 3/11 the underground fuel tank was serviced by an excellent crew comprised of both the Humboldt County Dept. of Public Works and Humboldt County Dept. of Health and Human Services in the physical forms of Dean Adams Hazardous Materials Specialist II along with Charles Bush and Doug Holsclaw, airport service workers, who performed an intensive inspection of the fuel delivery and emergency notification systems. Garberville airport received a passing grade with zero water found inside the underground fuel tank and all system operations checked good.

I was admonished by the GPA to get my facts correct concerning the Garberville Fly In indicating the Experimental Aircraft Association is not involved in the rides for the kids/public at large. Instead appropriate GPA pilot owner operators will manifest this opportunity offering flights to the public.

Prizes for the kids flying games are being secured so if you have something worthy for that effort I will come and get it; give me a call 223-6525. It would be nice if it was aviation related. The GPA is waiting for information concerning the sky diving exhibition group.

Lacking the winter weather that brings Instrument Flight Rule(s) (IFR) to our Visual Flight Rule (VFR) airport our tarmac is a busy place long before the summer flying season we are known for. It will not be long that the aviation tourist season will be upon us. Businesses that cater to tourism are encouraged to get with me to provide some sort of transportation to the greater Garberville-Redway metroplex. Electric assist bicycles are being considered as an alternative to nothing and consequential loss of clientele and subsequent “bed taxes.”

With the Southern Humboldt Community Park down the road bicyclists would certainly entertain utilization of those bike trails. Southern Humboldt County has a lot to offer and it would be great to facilitate those offerings to inbound fliers. Interested businesses can also provide signage to the new AAE FBO to advertise their availability to the incoming air travelers.

The three top questions I am asked are: How do we get to town? Where should we stay and where should we eat?

Story and photo:

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